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Pokemon Role-Playing Game


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NOTE: Any mods out there I wasn't sure where to put this, so if in the wrong section, please move.



1. No spamming

2. No copying people's ideas


4. Use the three turn dodge rule. You can only dodge or block 2 hits then you MUST take a hit

5. No picking legendaries for starter pokemon

6. Starter Pokemon needs to be at 1st evolution

7. Pokemon will evolve at whatever level they are supposed to evolve

8. If there are special conditions for Pokemon such as Riolu, we will just say the level is 16 and if a Pokemon needs to be traded to evolve, put the evolution level at a fair level (ex. Kadabra evolves to Alakazam at lv 40)

9. Only 1 battle per post




[spoiler=How to play]

Fill out the application below, then you will say what you're doing for about the next 10-20 minutes (you dont need to type a 20 minute long message nor do you need to label how long certain things took unless neccassery). Then after a battle or special event, roll a dice 2 times. Multiply the 1st # by the 2nd # and thats how much experience you get. However, if you won a battle, then add the defeated Pokemon(s) level to the amount of EXP gained. As for money, you simply take the sum of the amount of EXP you gained and add your current HP to it and that's how much money you earn. For each level of Pokemon's max. exp on their EXP bar, just multiply their level x 10 and add to max EXP bar every level up (level 1 + level 2 is also 10+20=30). The maximum amount of HP you have starts at 20 and then goes up by 3 times your current level every time you level up. When trying to catch a pokemon, consult the chart below for successfulness. If any questions, PM me.




[spoiler=My Pokemon Status]

Pokemon 1-Riolu

Current HP: 35/35

Current LV: 2

EXP: 21/30

Moves: Tackle, Growl




[spoiler=Poke Ball Chart]

Poke Ball catch- 10% or less HP

Great Ball catch- 15% or less HP

Ultra Ball catch- 20% or less HP

Master Ball catch- Any amount of HP

Dive Ball catch- 15% for Water type pokemon, 10% for any other type

Net Ball catch- 15% for Bug type pokemon, 10% for any other type




[spoiler=Pokemon Center]

Nurse Joy: Hello! I will heal your Pokemon 2 times a day for free! Just simply post you are using my services and then your Pokemon will be at full HP!




[spoiler=Poke Mart]

Poke Ball- $200

Great Ball- $400

Ultra Ball- $800

Dive Ball- $600

Net Ball- $600

Potion(restores 20 HP instantly when bought)- $300

Super Potion(restores 50 HP instantly when bought)- $600

Hyper Potion(restores 200 HP instantly when bought)- $1,200







Starter Pokemon-

Starter Pokemon Moves-




[spoiler=My Application]


Nickname- Devin

Starter Pokemon- Riolu

Starter Pokemon Moves- Tackle, Growl




When you apply for this game, you start with 3 Potions, 5 Poke Balls, and the LV 5 starter Pokemon you chose.


If your Pokemon levels up or learns a new move, post update in your next post saying previous level, current level, and any new move(s) learned.



Went into forest to train.

Battles a Pidgey LV 3 (14 HP).

[spoiler=Battle Details]

Riolu used Tackle (4 damage). Pidgey used Tackle (3 damage). Riolu used Growl (Pidgey's attacks -1). Pidgey uses Tackle (MISS). Riolu uses Tackle (3 damage). Pidgey uses Tackle (2 damage). Riolu uses Growl (Pidgey's attacks -1). Pidgey used Tackle (MISS). Riolu uses Tackle (5 damage). Pidgey uses Tackle (2 damage). Riolu uses Tackle (4 damage).

REWARD: 5 EXP (next level at 10 EXP) and $18



Riolu wins!

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Both Accepted.


Riolu's Actions:

Devin and Riolu go to Viridian City!

They encounter a Ratatta LV 4 (18 HP) along the way!

[spoiler=Battle Details]

Riolu uses Tackle (5 damage) Ratatta uses Growl (Riolu's attacks -1) Riolu uses Tackle (3 damage) Ratatta uses Tackle (4 damage) Riolu uses Tackle (4 damage) Ratatta uses Growl (Riolu's attacks -1) Riolu uses Tackle (2 damage) Ratatta uses Tackle (3 damage) Riolu uses Tackle (1 damage) Ratatta uses Tackle (5 damage) Riolu uses Tackle (3 damage).

REWARD: 14 EXP! $15



Riolu wins!

Devin goes to the Pokemon Center and heals his Pokemon.

Riolu has Leveled up!

Previous Level: 1

Current Level: 2

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