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Say me what you are living and i will tell you your music


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[align=center] "What im seing? The grapharadise? no... is... cooler... is the Metal Heaven..." Dragoone...


Hie guys, i wanted to make this game for a time but i needed to hear more music to guide you in your spiritual needs, Now with 60+ Songs in my playlist i can help you all to open your minds and hearths to the music and to be your spiritual guide



I put 3-5 random songs in my playlist and checkout a list of probabilities on my mind, i get a deduction that includes


Psicologist Treatment

Some words of faith

Song you should hear right now

Songs you should hear now and some time more




Simple, just say... "Oh, doctor Dragoone, please help me with..." and complete with your words or just post here your moment or situation and some of the music you are hearing while posting this





Music is Magic, is a reason to life, is a push to keep, is something to believe and keep faith, is simply magnificent and that show how are you really feeling, some of the first album of Simple Plan become out of your mouth by a moment without wanting it... somedays i feel like everybody got a problem and like nobody want to solve them... so i want to help them with the power of the magic music



Sya guys and waiting for your moments and livings[/align]

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... just the eyes you see with... i have seen something that opened my eyes... the life is unfair, the death is saint... and everybody will live, love, and lie.... if you dont believe in something... why we should believe in people? why to believe in friends?...


just think


"How do we proove we exist?... ... Maybe we dont..."

Becouse you cant proove anything...


You should hear rigth now:

Take my hand - Simple plan

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Ouch man, that happend to me one time.


My advise: Go with your friend when she goes with he, but be sure you get another one to dont make what we call here a "Mal tercio" that is like a Bad third-one, at this way you can go with her, or simply say what you feel.



Psicologist Treatment: Take a breath and think in her, repeat the words you would want her to hear it and just 1 thing


There are two ways to tell her what you feel

1-At the end of your relation (End of the school year and shes moving, she is moved from your class... etc...) you told her, if she really in depht like you, well its a problem, you wont see her anymore

2- Any moment before first one, you tell her, if she really dont like you well... it will be hard to see its face


But there is always a hope that the things turn arround and maybe one day, keep it up

Some words of faith: Love is a feeling... the feelings come and go... there is not just 1 girl in world... If SHE dont love you, is that you deserve something really great and you are SO MUCH for her...


Song you should hear right now: I`d do anything - Simple plan

Songs you should hear now and some time more I`d do anythin, take my hand, when im gone (Simple plan thuse 3) + Now or never, Animal i Have become and I hate (everything about you) - Three Days Grace


Hey just one thing, girls like to be apreciated, give them a snack in the break, help her with what she dont understand, something like that and its apreciation for you will grow


Dont let the music OFF

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And what if she dont want? Tell her if she want to go, if she says yes, say her to wait 4 you in certain place before the concert. if she says no, no problem¡ ask your friend out and have a nice day¡ WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE? you will have some companion but really ASK BEFORE THE CONCERT



Treatment- No needed

Words o Hope: I take my guitar, I take the headphones, this music playing on my head, i play it on your hearth

Song: Tocando fondo - Kalimba (Is on spanish, is like yar story but in spanish, cool music)

Playlist +: add some pop songs if she say yes, some punk ones if your friend go with ya

[Pop: Britney Spears] [Punk: Linkin Park]


Hear tha music, is calling us Bro¡

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