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Luxord goes to Locals? :o

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My first locals report.


Second tournament I've been in, and this one went a hell of a lot better than last time.


Before it starts, I buy the three Gold Rare Raizas I wanted last week.


First Opponent: Blackwings(1)


Round 1: I get a first turn Dustshoot and all the monsters in his hand are DAD and Gale. I send Gale back and he struggles after it. I win.


Round 2: Almost the exact same as R1, except he gets Bora out and attacks into my Reaper. I summon Caius and rape. I win.




Second Opponent: Blackwings(2)


Round 1: He OTKs with DSF and RDA.


Round 2: I keep drawing Monarchs and fodder and he gets only Tuners. I win.


Round 3: Almost an exact repeat of R2.




Third Opponent: Blackwings(3)


Round 1: Raiza and Caius save me again, and thanks to Treeborn, I win.


Round 2: DSF for him. Go figure.


Round 3: He continuously pumps Bora with Siroccos while I draw a full hand of Monsters for 3 turns. I lose.




I get into the top 8 because the guy I lose to is undefeated.


Fourth Opponent: Blackwings(2)


Same guy. He's really obnoxious and keeps insisting that when I win, it's pure luck, but when he wins, it's all planned out.


Round 1: He draws all Spell and Traps except for Gale first turn and I have a first turn Dustshoot. Gale is the only monster he gets during the duel. I win.


Round 2: Damn double Kalut over my Reaper with Bora and Sirocco. I lose.


Round 3: It ends up being a top-decking contest, and I get Treeborn in the Grave and he summons Kalut. He attacks, and I have 2400 left and he has 3200. I topdeck Caius, summon Treeborn, Tribute Summon Caius, RFP Kalut, and attack for game.




Opponent 5: Blackwings(3)


I'm tired of facing Blackwings. =.=


Round 1: Another DSF OTK for him.


Round 2: My Monarchs don't fail me. I burn with Caius and attack directly, leaving him at 4600. He sets a monster. I Spin with Raiza and attack for game.


Round 3: Another Kalut->Bora situation, leaving me at 1000 after he attacks with Gale too. He goes for DSF in his MP2, and tributes for game.




Overall: I placed third, and got 3 TDGS packs. I pulled nothing except for a Rare Mind Master. The guy who got second place(The first guy I beat) pulled a CotLB, Unlimited Edition. It turns out that the only person I lost to won the whole thing, so that was pretty satisfying.


Afterwards, I traded my Tragoedia and a Super PMD for 2 Super Rykos. I traded some crap for an Allure and traded a Compulsory(Common) for a Common Krebons.


Unfortunately, no one wanted to trade their Mezukis, Allures, or Burial from a Different Dimension.


Also, since DSF was going to be banned, I traded mine last week for 4 Gyzarus, 6 Herk, a Chariot, 3 Bestiari, 2 Darius, 2 Murm, 1 Hoplomus, and 2 Laquari.


In you wanted to know, here's what I was running during the tourny:

[spoiler=Zombie Monarchs]24

3 Caius

2 Raiza

1 CyDra

1 Ryu Kokki

2 Goblin Zombie

2 Pyramid Turtle

2 Zombie Master

2 Kycoo

1 Breaker

1 Tomato

1 Gale

1 Krebons

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper


1 Treeborn

1 Morphing Jar



2 Book of Life

1 Book of Moon

1 MR

1 Heavy


1 Mind Control

1 Brain Control

1 Card Dest.





2 T Roar

1 TT

1 Dustshoot




1 Gyzarus

1 Colossal


1 Lifetrancer

1 Goyo

1 Gaia


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Very nice. I notice that the DSFs are what usually gave you the trouble' date=' so it's funny that they will all be hurt come Sept. and I doubt people will trade or buy those DSFs with just over a week until they are banned...



Thanks :D


And yeah. DSF was pretty irritating.


I actually didn't use most of my Synchros because I either didn't draw Tuners or my synchros were BTH'd as soon as they hit the field.


I was also kind of peeved, because one guy who plays Blackwings came over and told me my deck was random. I asked him why, and he said "Because it's never won a Jump, Worlds, Regionals, or Nats."

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Wow... let it be known that random is now defined as "has not won a high lvl tournament" :? anyways, I'll show them all when I bring out my Zombie Charge... and I get about 500 dollars to burn >.< dang LS being expensive... I think I need to make a Budget Charge...


Edit: Incase you didn't know, your deck is not random. In fact, I'm pretty sure a fair number of people on this site run Zombie 'Narchs, or atleast a variation

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Wow... let it be known that random is now defined as "has not won a high lvl tournament" :? anyways' date=' I'll show them all when I bring out my Zombie Charge... and I get about 500 dollars to burn >.< dang LS being expensive... I think I need to make a Budget Charge...


Edit: Incase you didn't know, your deck is not random. In fact, I'm pretty sure a fair number of people on this site run Zombie 'Narchs, or at least a variation



Yeah. I was peeved because I knew for a fact it wasn't random. I mean, I think he may have realized he was wrong when I asked if Morphtronics were random.(He didn't respond)

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