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Your Guide to: X-Sabers {by X-L Prime}

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The Guide to X-Sabers


1. Opening

2. Monsters

3. Support monsters

4. Spells/Traps

5. Deck/Function

6. Conclusion


[spoiler=1. OPENING]


This guide is made specifically to help you play X-Saber monsters, and their own sub-type, XX-Sabers. And it should be reminded that XX-Sabers also count as X-Sabers. The Sabers, all in general, are of the EARTH Attribute mainly, while being Warrior-Type, Beast-Warrior-Type, and other few certain Types. The Sabers are associated with mainly trying to gain a card advantage of your opponent by swarming/discarding cards from their hand. Being left with a little hand and going up against a huge group of X-Sabers is not pretty sight. You would rather be the one doing that, than your opponent doing that to you. The only problem X-Sabers have, is that they have weak ATK. Luckily, since they swarm well, they can preform Synchro Summons off the bat. So here is the guide to X-Sabers!



[spoiler=2. MONSTERS]




When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent by a direct attack' date=' discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand.[/quote']


X-Saber is a very good Tuner, and his very existence made Synchro Cat possible. Unfortunately, it also got Rescue Cat limited and along with many other cards, Dark Strike Fighter banned. Its effect is that of what I mentioned earlier; trying to give you overall card advantage. So with a Spirit Reaper like effect, he discards 1 card from your opponents hand if he attacks directly. He is a very good Tuner, but only when you have Rescue Cat, and because Dark Strike is out, he might not be as important to the Deck anymore. But finding space won't be hard.




If a "Saber" monster (except "Saber Slasher") is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard' date=' draw 1 card.[/quote']


Yet to be released into the TCG, he isn't really good. Its his ATK that really hinder his abilities. Only 400 doesn't beat much. And his effect is that you draw 1 if your X-Saber gets destroyed by battle. They would more rather attack this guy than another X-Saber. Getting his effect is rare, and not worth it, not worth the space.




If this card attacks an opponent's monster' date=' this card gains 300 ATK during the Damage Step only. If this card is attacked by an opponent's monster, this card loses 500 ATK during the Damage Step only. When this card is selected as an attack target, you can Tribute another "Saber" monster to negate the attack.[/quote']


He's a beat stick, but a very bad one. If you attack with him against an opponents monster, he becomes 2100 for a moment. But if he gets attacked, his ATK becomes 1300...sad. But then they tried to make it up, by adding a "if this card is attacked you can Tribute a different Saber to negate it. It makes it quite sad. But it still can do alot of damage. Use it if you want.




When a "Saber" monster you control (except "Saber Slasher") is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard' date=' you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.[/quote']


Now I like this guy. He is not much in stats, but he helps swarm. And he's a Tuner! When a "Saber" monster gets killed by battle, you can pay LP to Summon him from your Grave. And in any Position. This guy is a must in X-Sabers. Also, along with Rainbow Life and 2 of these guys. It also requires your opponent to have a monster with 1100 or more ATK. If you do this, you will gain infinite LP, or as much as you want. It's very funny. You can also combo with Axel, for lots of draw. Can't wait for this to be released to the TCG.




This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position' date=' you take 1000 damage during each of your opponent's Standby Phases.[/quote']


Another Tuner, who is also weak in ATK. But he cannot be destroyed by battle. So that must mean something, right? WRONG! If he is in Defense you take 1000 damage during the opponents Standby Phase. That hurts to much for him to be used. So he is a no.




If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard' date=' by Tributing this card, you can return the destroyed monster to the top of the owner's Deck.[/quote']


Good ATK finally, but what about in effect? He has this weird Raiza like effect that only happens when you destroy an opponents monster, and then Tributing it. When this happens, a weird chemical reaction happens which forces the opponents monster to be sent on top. I'm not saying this card is worthless. Just that his effect is bad, and rarely is it very useful.




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except if you control 2 or more face-up "X-Saber" monsters. Once per turn' date=' you can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower "X-Saber" monster from your Graveyard.[/quote']


This card is win for the Sabers. This is the first XX-Saber, and hes got OTK/FTK abilities. With his massive power of ATK, ability to swarm, and easy Summoning conditions, it's hard to stop him. Play him right, and you will find yourself in a good position. Always use 3.




Once' date=' while this card is face-up on the field, you can negate the attack of 1 of your opponent's monsters. If this card destroys a Defense Position monster your opponent controls by battle, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "X-Saber" monster from your Graveyard.[/quote']


A very good Tuner, specially since Airbellums uses are more restricted due to Rescue Cats limitation. She can negate 1 attack, and if she destroys a Defense monster (which if your dominating, that's quite easy.), you'll get 1 Level 4 or lower X-Saber from your Grave. Good card. But I think you would rather run Airbellum.




If you have 2 or more "X-Saber" monsters in your Graveyard and you control no monsters' date=' you can Special Summon this card from your hand.[/quote']


Cyber Dragon for the X-Sabers, he can be good when you have no monsters on the field. Which is good on the first tu- read again. You need 2 or more X-Sabers in the Grave. You will not likely be doing that first turn. And by then, you may have swarmed the field. But, if the field ever gets nyked, maybe by you or your opponent, it will be very easy to Summon him. Consider him backup to the theme. Comes out when you need him the most.




When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned' date=' you can add 1 "X-Saber" monster from your Graveyard to your hand.[/quote']


Now, he can help get you a missing X-Saber that you need, when ever you Summon him (besides Flip). And it can be anybody. But what am I suggesting here? This and Faultroll make an OTK! If you have Mass Diver, 1 X-Saber on the field, 1 Reijigra and 2 Faultroll in your hand:

Summon Reiji, Summon both Faultrolls, Tribute Reji and 1 Fualtroll for 800, use your second Faultroll to revive Reiji, use his effect to get back your other fualtroll, Summon it, Tribute Reiji, Tribute other Fualtroll that already used his effect, use the new Faultroll to get Reiji, and there we go. Just repeat. So use him, in a case of when you need somebody, or you are using the OTK. It could also be and FTK, by using 1-4-1, discard Faultroll, get reiji, add Faultroll back, Normal Summon an X-Saber, and so forth. But since 1-4-1 is now limited...Its not going to happen as often.









All face-up "Saber" monsters except "Saber Slasher" gain 400 ATK.


Is he good? No. Is he a Saber? No. Does he have good ATK? If he were a Saber' date=' yes. But no. So don't use this card.




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent' date=' if your opponent has 4 or more cards in their hand, place 1 random card from their hand on top of their Deck.[/quote']


This is the first Synchro. He may not have impressive ATK, but if you know how to use him correctly, he can tie your opponent in a knot with his effect. He can return a card in their hand to the top of their Deck if you inflict damage, and if they have 4 or more cards in their hand. Though, it is sad that he couldn't have atleast 200 more ATK.




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned' date=' you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your hand.[/quote']


Art is win. And it's John Wayne! He doesn't have the greatest effect, or very good ATK, but he isn't just for X-Sabers. Still, use him if you need him.




1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more EARTH Monsters

You can Tribute 1 "X-Saber" monster to discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand.


A more Specific Synchro' date=' but a very good Saber. He has high ATK, and can created a great disadvantage to your opponent, if you swarm the field again. It's a must in Sabers. This guy can also be used instead of an OTK, with Faultroll and Reiji for unlimited discard. And you can also use more than 2 Tuner Monsters, since the part where it says "1 or more EARTH Monsters" doesn't say non-Tuners. So he will be very easy to Summon.



Now I'm going into support that does not specifically have anything much to do with X-Sabers, except they help them.




When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle' date=' you can Special Summon 1 EARTH monster with an ATK of 1500 or less in face-up Attack Position from your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.[/quote']


He searches many of the Sabers with little ATK. So he can help search out the ones you need, or if you need another to Synch or get Faultroll out. A good card, but he's not the best support out there.




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 EARTH monster in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard' date=' destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.[/quote']


The Sabers don't have many S/T destruction cards, or monster removal for that matter. But this guy, he is easy to Summon, huge ATK, and has a built Heavy Storm when destroyed by battle. He can help when you're in between a rock and a hard place. You could use him to stop Skill Drain so that your guys are free. :D But I still sugest only siding him.




FLIP: Both player discards their hands. Then both players draw 5 cards.


Basic draw card. What more is there needed to say?




You can send this face-up card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 2 Level 3 or lower Beast-Type monsters from your Deck. Those monsters are destroyed during the End Phase.


This card is used just for Airbellum. Its uses have now been limited to where you don't really need it as much. Luckily' date=' we will use it because you can get 2 quick Airbellums to get Faultroll, or maybe nuke the field by Sycnhing one of them with a Level 4, and getting BRD. Then Summon Gardestrike for a quick assault. So he's still cool.




When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard' date=' add 1 monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand.[/quote']


Searches cards like Rescue Cat, Morphing Jar, and smaller X-Sabers/XX-Sabers. Easy.




[spoiler=4. SPELL/TRAP]


We already know that we need "Heavy Storm", "Fissure/Samashing Grounds", "Book of Moon", "Call of the Haunted", and "Lightning Vortex", cause they are staples in many cases. You can also include "Dark Bribe".





Destroy a number of face-up cards on the field equal to the number of face-up "X-Saber" monsters you control.


This card is very good since Sabers swarm easy' date=' and the fact that you can destroy many monsters with this effect, as well as face-up S/T's like Oppression/Skill Drain. Unfortunately, it just says face-up cards your opponent controlls. But the down side does not hinder it much, and is a card that should be used in X-Sabers no matter.




Equip only to an "X-Saber" monster. If it destroys an opponent's monster by battle' date=' you can destroy 1 card your opponent controls. You can Tribute 1 monster you control to return this card from your Graveyard to the top of your Deck.[/quote']


Equip to an X-Saber (also can be equipped to XX-Sabers.) and if he (most likely) destroys a monster, you can destroy an extra card. Nice, but I would rather do that before attacking. Not very good. And its last sentence is terrible cost to get it back. No.




Select 1 monster from your Deck and send it to the Graveyard.


Good for getting Palomlo' date=' or getting an extra Saber for Gardestrike. Has it's uses. It can also give a target for Faultroll, or you can use this with Reiji, making his effect more like add 1 X-Saber from your Deck to your hand. Fun.



Each player discards their hands and draws cards equal to the number of cards they discarded.


Another basic Draw cards. Use it for dead hands' date=' or if you see your opponent smirking at their hand...




Send 1 Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard. Special Summon 1 Level 1 monster from your hand or Deck.


Use this card' date=' only for Reiji. Send Fualtroll and get him, then regian Faultroll. This also helps make an FTK. A Deck focussed on that FTK should use this, but it's harder to do with 1-4-1 limited.




Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field to inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points.


Use for the OTK theme' date=' use this.



Activate only if the only monster you control is a face-up "X-Saber" monster. After activation' date=' this card becomes an Equip Card; equip it to the "X-Saber" monster you control. It gains 800 ATK. If the equipped monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle, draw 1 card.[/quote']


IDK what to say. It gives huge ATK, and if it destroys a monster, you draw 1 card. You could always Set it, and Summon an X-Saber in Attack. They try to Attack, you activate this, most likely running it over now, and draw. Then you do the same next turn. But it seems to be a waste of space. I'll pass.




Activate only if there is a face-up "X-Saber" monster(s) on the field. Select 2 "X-Saber" monsters in either player's Graveyard(s). Special Summon those monsters to your side of the field.


This is what makes X-Sabers win. A swarm card' date=' that is chainable, doesn't have any restrictions to the monsters it Summons, and makes for easy Synchro Summons is absolute win. Use 3!




Draw 2 cards from your Deck and skip your next 2 Draw Phases.


X-Sabers don't have their own draw card; their not DARK' date=' none are Destiny Heroes, and they don't have any Level 8s. So this is the next card to use. If you find yourself in need of more draw, use it.





[spoiler=5. DECK/FUNCTION']



I suggest a build that tries to entertain your opponent by getting fast Synchros and Faultrolls, while also trying to set your opponent off with a disadvantage, such as discarding their hand. Very hard to win with no hand. You may find Synching into a Level 8 hard, but your not going to want to always go into stardust. If you're wondering where Mass Driver and One for One are out, I would suggest only siding them, for the OTK is a 5 card 1 that takes two turns, and the FTK takes the same, but is very rare. Or maybe not side them at all, but make a Deck that's focussed on the OTK. Here, we have just a plain X-Saber build:


A build would look something like:


x3 Fualtroll

x3 Reiji

x3 Airbellum

x3 Palomlo

x2 Gardestrike

x2 Galahad

x1 Rescue Cat

x1 Morphing Jar

x2 Gigantes

x1 Sangan



x1 Heavy Storm

x2 Saber Slash

x2 Fissure

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Giant Trunade

x1 MST

x1 Foolish Burial

x1 Brain Controll



x3 Reckless Greed

x3 Gottoms Call

x1 Call of the Haunted

x2 BTH


We have plenty of Sabers here, very good removal, that's to keep you in control. Then we have some draw powah to help grab or speed into what you need. While this is going on, we have our handy Sabers pulling off stunts, creating chaos for the opponent by discarding and Synching, while also trying to maintain a dominate field and jsut swarm and attack for game. If you do it right, you'll get into Synching in no time, and laughing at your opponent as they discard cards like Mirror Force before they ever use it.




[spoiler=6. CONCLUSION]


X-Sabers are a grand Arch-Type, and I hope more support arrives. They are also from my point of view, a very fun Deck to use also.


If I missed anything, tell me.



[spoiler=Stradegy Section]

List of X-Saber stradegies/Decks. Give out ideas and I'll put them in here. Or Deck lists of X-Saber type Decks/Hybrids.








Enjoy. :D[/align]

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Guest JoshIcy

You're doing it wrong.

Reijigra is a great card for it. Why? It retrieves Faultroll, making swarm and synchs faster.


Foolish is also even better here, for the same reason. It dumps Faultroll for Reijigra, and SS's other Sabers or it dumps a monster FOR Faultroll.


Galahad is that lvl4 misc monster you're looking for. And it's retrievable by Faultroll and Summoner Monk. Its more speedy than you'd think.


X-Sabers rarely get a "dead draw". So I'm not partial to using Reckless Greed. Giant Rat is more of a tech card, but unneeded.

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Fulhelm is a girl btw.

Possibly a young anu-piranha.

Seems like it's missing a strategy section.




I like how the symbols on the regular X-Sabers is an X while the symbols on the XX-Sabers is an X with a second downward diagonal line.

As for the guide, it's pretty good, but according to at least 1 other person you are doing it wrong.

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