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PLEASE LOCK. ( What did you do YCMaker? )


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Seth3113: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l292/LegendKiller696/Tyranno_s4.jpg


mon94key: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l292/LegendKiller696/yu-gi-oh-picture-163.jpg



Saboooom: I am really sorry, but, if you provide renders, they must be .png in this shop, I cannot render, and even if it has no background, I still do not know how to add it to the background.

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Please can I have an animated avatar?


Editing: Seperate the Ra's and put them on cool backgrounds. (If you can)

Text: On an extra thing on the end put "~Mon94key~"


This shop is great!! :D:D:D


EDIT: And also another banner?


Custom Signatures:

Please include the following:

Picture: http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb252/samfrompaddy/2_mu_warrior_003.jpg

Text: ~Mon94key~ Shop of Death and Demise (Could I have it in a black smokey type font?)


;) (Also yes I like that smiley)

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Could I ask for something else too? I'll give a rep to anyone who does it.

Animated Avatars:

Please include the following:

Picture: http://www.mangaforce.co.uk/i/tyranno-hassleberry.jpg - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/bs/thumb/8/87/Th1.jpg/210px-Th1.jpg - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/84/Tyranno_Hassleberry.png/200px-Tyranno_Hassleberry.png - http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j190/dragonmistress151022/TyrannoHassleberry00.jpg (Could you put in backgrounds in the first and second and the fourth ones? And you might have to shrink the fourth picture)

Text: "Seth3113"

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Guest JoshIcy
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