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Expansion - Continuous Spell


This card Cannot be Activated whilst there is a Face Up Field Spell on the Field. As long as this card remains Face Up on the Field, Field Spell cards cannot be Activated and both players Field Spell Zones are now treated as Monster Zones. Monsters in that zone are treated as being in Monster Zone 5.

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Well, when thinking the card effect up, i didn't want the monster in that zone to have immunities to some of the card effects out there. Like you could place Alien Infiltrator in that new zone and have a monster that can Attack Direct for 800 every turn. And be immune to Needle Wall, should anyone ever use that card... i know there aren't many cards that specify zones, but i accounted for them none the less

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This card Cannot be Activated whilst there is a Face Up Field Spell on the Field. As long as this card remains Face Up on the Field, Field Spell cards cannot be Activated and both players Field Spell Zones are now treated as Monster Zones. Monsters in that zone are treated as being in Monster Zone 5.

"This card cannot be activated if there is a Field Spell Card* on the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, Field Spell Cards cannot be activated, and both players' Field Zones are treated as Monster Card Zones.**"

*And what happens if there is a face-down field spell? It gets locked there forever, and your zone won't be able to used.

** The last part is unnecessary.

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Hmm, i never thought about a face down field spell. i guess I could add something like "When you activate this card, destroy any face down field spell" or something to that extent. As for the last part, where I know this card will most likely never actually be used, unless of Konami steal their ideas from sites like this one, I always tend to think up scenarios where the cards effect would cause a conundrum. but meh, I am still fairly new at this and have much to learn. Any input is always welcome :)

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