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The Darkside of Life; War (not started;accepting)

Star Child

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Glad to see you made it to the randevous point in one piece. It sure isn't pretty out there, is it?

[spoiler=Plot] The year is 2012, the year that the world is said to end. There have been many more wars and we're 2 years into WW3. There are scientists doing things you wouldn't believe, experimenting on human beings and animals, it makes me so sick. They have created super intellegint creatures, along with fighting machines that have no souls any longer. Meteors rain down upon the Earth daily, and global warming increases monthly. Civilians are forced to hide in the worst of places while the army's destroy themselves. The world has turned to complete chaos, and the end is drawing ever so close.





RP Name:

Continent You're Fighting For:

Weopons(1 main weopon, 2 side arms):

Picture or Description of Your Character:



[spoiler=My Form]

Username: Anime-Manga Lover

RP Name: John Ara

Continent You're Fighting For: North America

Weopons(1 main weopon, 2 side arms): 50 Caliber C(advanced, modified copy of 50 Caliber rifle. Automatic and single shot. Part RPG[rocket propelled grenade] luancher. Greenish color. Silencer can be added. Takes approximently 4-6 seconds to load.) 2, concealed, 45 millimeter pistols.

Picture or Description of Your Character: http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2006/364/e/3/Military_action_by_Zlatolin.jpg



[spoiler=Please Note] You can make up guns as long as you post the full name of it, what it does, and what it looks like. Everybody has plasma grenades that create bigger explosions that normal grenades and send a shock through the persons body, stunning them, if it hits before it explodes. There are no more allies between country's. You character might eventually die. Meteors do have small chances of damaging or killing your character, as well as other parts of the RP(if you don't know what that means, you'll find out eventually). You can only have 1 character, if that person dies, feel free to make another one.




1) Keep swearing down to PG-13.

2) 1 character.

3) No trolling, flaming, or spamming.

4) Try to obey the advanced cluase as much as possible.

5) Keep in mind that this is an apocolyptic war and there are no allies between your part of the world and other parts.

6) Only 7 people can be in 1 continent.

7) If you reserve a spot in a certain continent and it gets filled up before you post your app, you must choose a different one.

8) All other rules apply.



[spoiler=Available Continents] North America [1/7]

Africa [0/7]

Asia [0/7]

Australia [0/7]

South America [0/7]

Europe [0/7]

Antartica [1/7]



[spoiler=Drafted Personal]

1) Anime-Manga Lover--John Ara--North America

2) Entei55--Regi Black--North America

3) .Alex Ryder.--Christian Davids--Antartica


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RP Name: Regi Black

Continent You're Fighting For: North America

Weopons(1 main weopon, 2 side arms):Main:Fully automatic shotgun with 100 round drum[it shoots automaticly and has 100 rounds]

Side Arm 1:44 magnum revolver Side Arm 2:44 magnum revolver

Picture or Description of Your Character:[spoiler=my character]2i7xmoy.jpg

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