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So it went from Magic to Spell cards...Now trap to ?

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I thought you all covered this already.

Old, but should be fun to discuss.

As you may know by now, MTG is going to release a new sub in Zendikar.




Traps, as we all know, are a mechanic in YuGiOh, where you lay them facedown in play and activate them when some conditional trigger allows. For a long time, Magic has had conditional triggers as well; we call them triggered abilities. Now, our triggered abilities have usually been on cards that are in play, and instants were the way to surprise your opponent.


The new instant subtype, Trap, is just another in a long line of ways to cheat things into play for less mana than usual. Recently, we had the Hideaway lands to play things for one mana when a conditional trigger was met; we're simply getting a new block mechanic to do the same thing with less cards. Yes, we're now sharing terminology with YuGiOh, but Magic is not being diminished in the least by this addition. YGO players don't have lands, they don't have mana costs to pay, and they have a limit on the amount of things in play. We still have a unique and ever-changing game with timeless strategy and depth. Our Trap cards are just instants with secondary costs; and there is no reason to panic.


Please, save the fear mongering about the 'death' of Magic for when they print a block without lands and force us to sacrifice out creatures for bigger ones.

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When YGO started' date=' they stole the term 'Magic Cards' from MTG, being what we call Spell Cards.


Now, years later, MTG takes it's revenge by using the term 'Trap Cards'.



u kno no uz Magix!


Magic is all about casting spells. Yugioh used the term Magic to not conflic with MTG. Mothers and other religious groups decided Magic was a bad term, not Yugioh. So instead, YGO now uses Spells.

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