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Hardened Armed Dragon

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Ok say you've got a monster on the field, Horus Lv8(random example), and HAD in your hand. Discard Horus to SS HAD then tribute HAD & the monster on your field to Summon a Lv7 or higher monster. Then thanks to HAD's effect that monster can't be destroyed by card effects. That's why it's so useful.

Earthbound Gods.

That too.

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Yeah.....I have been looking for one for a while but nobody at my loclas has it anymore.... it makes me sad because this in Crystal Immortals=Indestructible 3000 ATK direct attacker


What did you look at my Crystalbound Immortal Deck? 0.o



No. a friend of mine at my locals brought up the deck and from then I made my own list of cards I wanted for thew build. This was one of them

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I think so... (Side note - good for EBGs' date=' just watch out for that card every modern Deck can Summon, y'know, Brio)



Unless, y'know, you're facing someone IRL... They wouldn't have Brionac.


Just side PWWB or something to beat an EBI deck.


This is why I have always preffered the OTK builds. By having it be only one turn with the god in play its chances of getting hit by that are lowered and besides wich Aslla is my fave OTK anyways so that would still blow there field.

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I think so... (Side note - good for EBGs' date=' just watch out for that card every modern Deck can Summon, y'know, Brio)



Unless, y'know, you're facing someone IRL... They wouldn't have Brionac.


Just side PWWB or something to beat an EBI deck.


This is why I have always preffered the OTK builds. By having it be only one turn with the god in play its chances of getting hit by that are lowered and besides wich Aslla is my fave OTK anyways so that would still blow there field.




Is it possible to Mirror Force or Torrent them? If not, I guess my answer will be an OTK of my own.

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I think so... (Side note - good for EBGs' date=' just watch out for that card every modern Deck can Summon, y'know, Brio)



Unless, y'know, you're facing someone IRL... They wouldn't have Brionac.


Just side PWWB or something to beat an EBI deck.


This is why I have always preffered the OTK builds. By having it be only one turn with the god in play its chances of getting hit by that are lowered and besides wich Aslla is my fave OTK anyways so that would still blow there field.




Is it possible to Mirror Force or Torrent them? If not, I guess my answer will be an OTK of my own.


If they were summoned by tributing Hardened, no. Hardened prevents ALL destrtruction by effect

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