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The New Duel Academy (Remake) (accepting)


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the duel academy lives on, albeit different. There is a fourth dorm, the Hiracos Greys, and they are extremely powerful. Naturally, there is much chaos following the arrival of a new dorm, and the other dorms are all competing to become one of the first into the dorm. The new headmaster is allowing 10 students to enter, and also allowing students to progress from dorm to dorm much easier.

[spoiler=Actual Plot]

students have gone missing, and nobody knows why. The headmaster and vice headmaster are spending long periods of time locked in the office, along with the librarian and several strange visitors. None of the students know why, and all of the teachers seem very distracted. A small band of students has decided to band together, calling themselves 'the rescuers', because they beleive that the teachers and headmaster know why the students disappeared, and they intend to rescue them.









Deck Type:





Dorm: (starts at red)




[spoiler=My App]

Name: Dante Brimston

Gender: M

Age: 18

Deck Type: 7 decks and counting - Ocean Lord, Flame Lord, Shadow Lord, Wind Lord, Stone Lord, Mythical Beasts, Color Cards

Personality: Cold

Bio: N/A

Pic/desc: tall slender, wears maroon shirt, black jacket, black pants.

Crush: None

Dorm: Grey

Position: Student


Name: Joe Bob

Gender: M

Age: 62

Deck Type: Joe the Cannibal

Personality: Generally pretty stupid, fun-loving, and friendly.


Pic/desc: short round, colourful clothing.

Crush: none

Dorm: none

position: Headmaster




1: dont swear

2: normal rules

3: pm either me or strategist13 any made up cards if you want to use them. (so no OP'd cards can be used)



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Name: Kane Takakawa

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Deck Type/s(if i may have more then one?): Toon + Relinquished



Personality: calm untalkative strategizing

Bio: N/A

Pic/desc: tall slim, smehow manages to wear armour under his school uniform 0-0.

Crush: none

Dorm: red

Position: Student


edited to include new stuff to app.

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accepted, and yes you do have to start at red because I can't test anyone. It takes a lot of time and its easy to cheat while online duelling. Not to say that any of you are cheaters, but just to be sure. It's easy to advance, so you won't have to stay in red for long. (assuming you are good)

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Personality:Very cocky but a very fun person to be around, he cares deeply for those close to him but not for anyone else

Bio:Jun has always been decent at dueling but is known to get distracted which is where a turning point occurs, he's young but can be sensible and can be very flirtacious if he wants to be

Pic/desc:Very small, around 5,7 and always wears a his slifer red jacket but has a white hooded jacket underneath, he has long blonde and brown hair that almost touches his shoulders, smiliar to roxas' hair but longer

Crush:None at the moment

Dorm: (starts at red) Red

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Strategist 14, I think we should just let people choose whatever dorm they want to be in. I mean, what's the point of even putting in Dorm in the app if you ALL start in Slifer? This is unfair. And, you forgot to put POSITION in the app. How can you tell Teachers and Students apart?


Name: Johnathon Brimston

Gender: M

Age: 17

Personality: Brave, kind, hot-headed, impatient, adventurous

Bio: His third year in the Acadmey, he has a brother named Dante Brimston in the Grey Dorm.

Pic/desc: Tall, skinny

Crush: None yet

Dorm: Obelisk

Position: Student


And now, with more than 3 characters, we may start!!!!!

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ooc: it's not unfair! It's easy to advance, and I have no way to test them. Also, as I already said, the dorm in the app is there so that later on people can go back and change it when they advance, so others can check back to see their dorm. And fine, I'll put position.



ooc: ok lets begin.


Dante walks up to johnathon, his younger brother, and asks 'Want to duel? I'm looking to test out my seventh deck, Rise of the Ocean Lord. I think it may fit in nicely with my other six.'

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OoC: I'm the same age as Dante though. Or do you mean younger in month comparison? And you forgot DECK TYPE in the app!


"Nah, I'm wokring out the kinks in my Bionicle Deck." Johnathon said. "Anyway, I have to get to lunch back at my Dorm, so I'll see you later!"

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ooc: right. and john is 17, where dante is 18. I'll add in deck type, though.


Dante replied to this with 'fine. I'll find some other student to test my deck out on.' Then spying Hirikiri, the blind student, he adds, 'how about you, Hirikiri? I need SOMEONE to test this ocean deck out on. And it could help you, too. Beating a Grey is an almost certain dorm progression.'

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Kane walks up to Dante looking at him. "if it's the deck design of a grey shouldn't it atleast be tested by someone without a disadvantage?". then pulling out his toon + Relinquished deck opening the packet he has them all in . "Now how about i test your new deck with my Toons, and if your lucky i might bring in Relinquished and/or Thousand Eye Restrict".

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Dante replied with 'Very well. I'll try out the Ocean Lord Kraken on you and then go to the card shop to get some cards for a new deck idea I've had recently. I'll begin with 2 cards facedown and the field card the ocean lord's castle. Now I can summon the mighty kraken, ocean lord, and use its ability to summon a water trooper in defense mode. I'll finish my turn by normal summoning a spray guard to protect my kraken.'

[spoiler=cards used]







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"hmm.. so you seem to have your deck in touch with abilities but you will not best this i tell you". The draws "perfect! Now I play the field spell Yami, Ocean Lords Castle is gone now, I shall then play Toon Kingdom by sending the top five cards of my deck to the Graveyard"."Then I Shall now summon 2 Toon Mermaids, play a face-down and Activate Black Illusion Ritual". Sacrifices one toon mermaid to summon Relinquished now it's effect activates grabbing your Mighty Krakken as an equip card. "Nifty little move there ay?, now I pay 500 lifepoints so toon mermaid can attack you directly--".



1 Toon Kingdom

1 Toon Mermaid ATK1400 DEF1500

1 Relinquished equipped with The Mighty Kraken - Ocean Lord ATK3400 DEF3050

1 Yami


Hand: 0 cards


(waiting for reply to my toon mermaids attack)

[spoiler=cards used]ToonMermaidDB1-EN-C-UE.jpg

from GX AnimeToonKingdomVG-GX06.png

Activate only by sending the top 5 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. This card's name is treated as "Toon World" while it is face-up on the field. You can remove from play the top card of your Deck to make a Toon Monster you control unable to be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.)





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"ok then well i shall now play Double Summon, and summon my two Toon Mermaids in defense". "i Now send two cards off the top of my deck to out of play to make my two toons unable to be destroyed by battle". "you seem to want to keep my Relinquished away now don't we?, well dont worry next time it wont be Relinquished". Ends his turn by playing a face-down.


Field: 1 f-d

1 Toon Kingdom

2 Toon Mermaids ATK1400 DEF1500 (unable to be destroyed by battle)


Hand: 1 card


(grr.. i hate that trap nao T.T)

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'I'll flip up frothing whitecaps. Now I summon out 2 froth troopers. Now I'll tribute off both of them, along with my water trooper, and spray guard, to summon out the mighty devastator! Ocean Mode! With 4500 attack points, no monster can survive. I use kraken's ability to bring out a new water trooper from my deck. Now, I'll play heavy storm to clean out your facedown and toon kingdom. Without the toon kingdom, both your toon mermaids are destroyed. I'll end this by attacking you directly with my devastator's 4500 attack score. That's game.' Dante then walks out to the card shop.

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Kane walks through past Dante in the cafeteria. "now next time ill need to have something to stop that monster of his". Kane walks round and sits at a seperate table looking through his deck till he finds a card. "this seems to be the perfect one.." he says silently.

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