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Pokemon Ruba Region [Started/NotAceepting]


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Enel saw Jenkins. "Oh, hello. You must be another Trainer."


Enel sat down, on the other side of the tree. "What pokemon do you have?"


He pulled out a rice ball (or a Sandwich if you work for 4kids) and started munching on it. "I must say this is delicious. My compliments to the chef."

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After a while of playing, Aipom ran over, hitting the tree. A pokemon popped down. It seemed to be sleeping and was angered about its drop.


Enel pulled out his Pokedex, also a gift from his uncle, and it read. Pineco. This Pokemon is known to be actively aggresive when awokened from its sleep. It attacks by shooting out its sharps shards.


Enel backed up, trying to put space between he and Pineco.

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The waiter brought Zero his food and then he began to crunch and munch all of it until it was basically gone within his stomach. " think that was the best food I have ever had I must meet the chef"

Waiter: He can't right now he is to busy for an interview and he is to busy for a pesky kid are you done yet?

Zero brought out some money and slammed it on the table then he walked up out of the restaurant

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Aipom seemed determine now that Pineco was awake. Aipom started using Double Slap frantically on the Pineco, hitting three times. Pineco looked horribly angry and exploded, sending its shards everywhere. In the smoke, Pineco scuttled off.


Aipom was badly injured, but it seemed as if he was going to faint. Enel pulled a Potion out of his bag, spraying it on the wounds.

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Zero saw shards crazily flying everywhere, "Lets go see whats up buddy." They ran into the woods and saw a pineco and an Aipom battling "Oh i didn't mean to interrupt this I'll just leave then." Zero ran further into the woods and had found out, a houndoor had been following him. "So it's a battle you want? Then thats what your gonna get!"

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Aipom ran over to Enel. It was jumping in front of him and pointing up. Enel looked where it pointed and 9 Pineco and a Foretress were in the tree.


"Oh, I get it," Enel said. He bent down. "Would you like to come with me?"


Aipom nodded. "Okay, just let me get a Poke Ball."


Enel pulled a Poke Ball out of his pocket, opening it at Aipom.


Aipom was caught and Enel let it back out. It jumped on his shoulders. "Hey Aipom. Cyndaquil! Come on, were going!"

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Houndoor nodded and jumped forward using ember. "Charmander use flame wheel! Go!" Chrmander ran froward and jumped high in the air and came crashing down on houndour. "Yeah thats great Charmander now use tackle!" Charmander tried tackling houndour, but houndour used crunch and bit a lot out of Charmander. "You Okay? Great now try it again!" This time Charmander succeeded in hitting houndour. "Cool now Scratch!" Charmander scratched houndour and houndour had stopped battling. "You okay liitle guy?" Zero had asked houndour. Houndour replied with a happy cry. "oh well cool we should get going, nice meeting you houndour." Zero turned around but houndour ran after Zero and tugged on his pants. "What's wrong little guy?" Houndour made a sad face. Zero picked it up and said " Oh i see now well welcome to the party Houndour!" Zero took out a poke ball and it opened to houndour. It shook 4 times then it clicked. Zero took houndour back out and said "lets find a pokemon center friend"

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"I've also got a Cyndaquil. So you've been a Pokemon Trainer only a short time, as well? Makes us two of the same," Enel smiled, "I was just sitting around when the Aipom dropped out of the sky to eat some of the Poffins I made and it became really good friends with me. A Pineco almost knocked it out with Self-Destruct though. Aipom protected me."

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" Thats a great goal and very close to mine I wish to become the Pokemon League Champion as well but I wish to explore other regions and fill my poke' dex to it's maximum number. But one more goal: To catch the legendary pokemon among legendary pokemon The god I wish to catch Arceus and befriend him not for evil but for really good reasons."


OoC: i gotz to go see ya

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Jenkins waved at the other trainers, but realizing he was oblivious, he skulked away again, cradeling the egg. As he stepped backwards, the egg started to shake. He nearly dropped it as he stumbled to realize what it was. Jenkins then looked at the other trainers, but still decided to keep walking on.

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Pedro was lost in the city, it was not a really big city but the houses looked all alike. He decided to ask for directions in a nearby Pokécenter.

When he was going to enter he saw the same Pidgey he had encounter last time "Ok, this time youre mine! Cyndaquil! TACKLE!" He screamed

Cyndaquil try to tackle him and he hit him pretty bad leaving a scar in the left wing, still this Pidgey was rather fast and run away again."Dam it!Its the second time!"

After that he entered in the pokécenter and asked for directions.He found out that two researchers lived at the house situated at Northwest of the city.

When he arrived he saw something on top of his house. It was the Pidgey, still bleeding from the battle. This time he left the pokémon alone an entered the house.

Inside he looked for some information about his parents research. He found some papers on top of his father's table.

The papers contained information about some legendary pokémon named Luigia. After reading the paper he grabbed two items that where inside the desk.

The paper said that the first, a little red computer like machine, was a pokédex.The second, a purple pokéball, was a special pokéball design by his father to catch Luigia. Pedro put the two items in his backpack and left the house.

Then he saw Pidgey fall from the house.Pedro grabbed a pokéball and threw it to the fallen pokémon, catching him.Then he left it at the pokécenter and stayed the night there.

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Pedro was lost in the city' date=' it was not a really big city but the houses looked all alike. He decided to ask for directions in a nearby Pokécenter.

When he was going to enter he saw the same Pidgey he had encounter last time.

-Ok, this time youre mine! Cyndaquil! TACKLE!

Cyndaquil try to tackle him and he hit him pretty bad leaving a scar in the left wing, still this Pidgey was rather fast and run away again.

-Dam it!Its the second time!

After that he entered in the pokécenter and asked for directions.He found out that two researchers lived at the house situated at Northwest of the city.

When he arrived he saw something on top of his house. It was the Pidgey, still bleeding from the battle. This time he left the pokémon alone an entered the house.

Inside he looked for some information about his parents research. He found some papers on top of his father's table.

The papers contained information about some legendary pokémon named Luigia. After reading the paper he grabbed two items that where inside the desk.

The paper said that the first, a little red computer like machine, was a pokédex.The second, a purple pokéball, was a special pokéball design by his father to catch Luigia. Pedro put the two items in his backpack and left the house.

Then he saw Pidgey fall from the house.Pedro grabbed a pokéball and threw it to the fallen pokémon, catching him.Then he left it at the pokécenter and stayed the night there.



You have to talk in DIALOGUE FORMAT.

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OoC: isn't there two ways to summon Arceus' date=' cause in the show there was no azure flute, and Dialga and Palkia summoned him/her



Well, Azure Flute is the only way mentioned by the show and most sites. That way is because they are deities summoning their creator.


What dialogue format?


Read the Advanced Clause before posting.


Is it right now?


yes. It is right now.



"Another way to summon Arceus? Oh, yes. But for that you need the deitic pokémon, Dialga and Palkia. Those are almost as impossible to find because they live in another dimension. All these legends mix. My favorite legend is the Legend of Celebi. Apparently, even though Celebi are very rare, it is said that they can travel through time and there are supposedly more than one. Dialga doesn't like Celebi though, for breaking the flow of time," Enel said.

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