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Pokemon Ruba Region [Started/NotAceepting]


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..For a promise i never kept, For a banned member i used to admire...


Well, you all know pokemon, so In this roleplay you will embark on your own adventure, for the sake of good or evil, will you challenge gym leaders,elite four, or will you start your carreer as a pokemon breeder? there is every pokemon in this region











Town of origin:


Pokemon team(Can only consist of base pokemons or the begginers in the beginning of the RP):



*Big Square [Elite Four]


*Top small blue on [Glacies Town]

*Small one closest to T one [Altus Town]

*Low small blue [Glacer cave]

*Small red above T [Amegyx town]

*Lowest small red [Gigasuna town]

*Lowest red vertical [Armadon city]

*Highest red vertical [Gorin city] - 1st gym leader: Grant

[spoiler=my app]

Name: Yurai Quinn


Age: 16






Bio: He decided to become a pokemon trainer when is big brother became one. he wasn't the type to follow anyone, but it seemed like something cool. as he set off, he found a Dunskull. it seemed happy to join him, so he went along the pokemon world with his faithful pokemon


Town of origin: Gigasuna


Pokemon team: Dunskull



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Name: Zero

Age: 16

Appearance: [spoiler=Accept me]redxkt8.jpg


Town of origin: Gorin

Pokemon Team: Charmander

EDIT: Bio: A young boy looking to make a name for himself, and beat the elite four. His goal besides beating the E4 is being a gym leader. He fends for himself and doesn't like other kids who always babble on about gym leaders and how there so good and etc.

lolz:..For a promise i never kept, For a banned member i used to admire...

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OoC: Yay!!!!


Zero had got up off of his bed and got his suit on, he had took charmander out of his poke ball and told him " C'mon buddy it's time for breakfast" They both ran into the kitchen and sat down in the chair "What did you cook mom?" They had waited and waited. Once they had been fed, they had ran up to the poke mart and bought 2 potions and 3 poke balls. "Your gonna get another friend thats not human Charmander it's a pokemon!"

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Zan woke up. Seeing the new day made him so happy. "Hey Chimchar Today os they day!" He ran downstairs gathered his stuff and told his mom he was leaving. He opened the door the air smelled fresh and refreshing. "Lets go! I Need more pokemon to become the best trainer ever!" Zan ran full spead with chimchar by his side. "Now where are you pokemon?!"

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Yurai Greeted the day by taking off his headphones and giving out a big yawn. today wasn't much special, just waking up nearby a pokecenter. after he got up, he went inside and got his duskull back. when he went outside he packed up his belongings and went along his way. it was his second or third day as a pokemon trainer.


after getting some pokeballs and items, he set off. he was on the outskirts of Gigasuna. he took out his pokeball and set duskull free of it. Yurai yawned again and continued walking north

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Zan Stopped at the pokemart. "Hi I need five pokeballs please." Zan got his pokeballs, now it was time to catch wild pokemon. He walked along the tall grass quietly. Hey Chim, Let mee know if you see any pokemon."


Ooc: Do we have to await your permisson to encounter wild pokemon?

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