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Betcha Can't Name 10 Things that aren't Jackie Chan


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Jackie Wham

Jackie Slam

Jackie Ham

Jackie Sam

Jackie Lam

Jackie Cram

Jackie Pam

Jackie Chu

Jackie Jackie

Jackie Cha-OH NOEZ


So close, yet so far.

So close, yet so kewl.

So close, yet so crap.

So close, yet so close.

So close, yet so Pika-Pii.

So close, yet so Ketchup.

So close, yet so Ash Ketchum.

So close, yet so If U Seek Amy.

So close, yet so bewbz.

So close, yet so Jackie Cha-



Oh, Come on!

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Water Newton

Kappa1 Ceti


Jackie Chan

Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam


People with two n's at the end of their name

Jackie Chan

Asperity Mountain

Wye Valley Railway


Piece of cake.




funk... it was really hard:(

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