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First Set-Rise of the Rose (tell me what you think)

Saiba Aisu

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Hmm...maybe. Sounds good. So how about:

"Beams of Silver Moon"

Spell Card


This card can only be activated when you control 1 or more "Luna, the Moon Maiden." Summon up to 2 Crescent Moon Tokens in face-up Defense Position (ATK/300 DEF/1400) on your side of the field. The tokens are treated as "Luna, the Moon Maiden." The tokens cannot be used as Tributes.


So I can still use them as a "Luna" for my Estrella Special Summon!!! Nice idea. The same thing would apply below....


Rays of Golden Sun

Quick-Play Spell Card

This card can only be activated when you control 1 or more "Lumaria, the Sun Maiden." Summon up to 2 Blazing Sun Tokens in Attack Position (ATK/1400 DEF/300) on your side of the field. The tokens are treated as "Lumaria, the Sun Maiden." The tokens cannot be used for Tributes.


How does that sound? Thanks for the idea! Please keep it up!

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Well, why even post then? xD JK. My cards aren't religiously related,if anything they are based of the Greek gods with Luna as Artemis, and Lumaria as a female-version of Apollo, who upholds justice. Thus the "embodiment of justice." Estrella is the Spanish word for "star" which sounds nice and merges LIGHT and DARK together. Thanks for viewing anyways...

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Hmm...maybe. Sounds good. So how about:

"Beams of Silver Moon"

Spell Card


This card can only be activated when you control 1 or more "Luna' date=' the Moon Maiden." Summon up to 2 Crescent Moon Tokens in face-up Defense Position (ATK/300 DEF/1400) on your side of the field. The tokens are treated as "Luna, the Moon Maiden." The tokens cannot be used as Tributes.


So I can still use them as a "Luna" for my Estrella Special Summon!!! Nice idea. The same thing would apply below....


Rays of Golden Sun

Quick-Play Spell Card

This card can only be activated when you control 1 or more "Lumaria, the Sun Maiden." Summon up to 2 Blazing Sun Tokens in Attack Position (ATK/1400 DEF/300) on your side of the field. The tokens are treated as "Lumaria, the Sun Maiden." The tokens cannot be used for Tributes.


How does that sound? Thanks for the idea! Please keep it up!



welcome any time and that sounds better than what i could think of

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Possibly one of the best set of cards i've seen on this website..Fantastic work..Not much else to say, no improvement needed in my opinion..It would be great to see you develop this idea into something much larger.


The other point I would like to make about this set is the orginality of it all..I'm not saying its perfectly original but its far enough to be considered unique.


9.2/10 Great work, hope to see more from you.

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