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Ancient Prophecy Cards-Disscuss

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Okay so recently I went to the Pre-Relese of Ancient Prophecy and you were given 6 packs and a Promo Card.The Promo was XX-Saber Gardestrike.I wasnt perticularly pleased that day because the blackwings in this set have pretty bad effects.But on the up side there are a lot of XX-Sabers so thats good.I just dont know if i want to waste my money on cards i might not like.


So Disscuss Ancient Prophecy.

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Okay so recently I went to the Pre-Relese of Ancient Prophecy and you were given 6 packs and a Promo Card.The Promo was XX-Saber Gardestrike.I wasnt perticularly pleased that day because the blackwings in this set have pretty bad effects.But on the up side there are a lot of XX-Sabers so thats good.I just dont know if i want to waste my money on cards i might not like.


So Disscuss Ancient Prophecy.


Vayu's commonly seen as good. lawl.

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Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield

Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain

Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor

Blackwing - Confit the Laughstorm

[spoiler= The only other lulz cards I want from this set are: ]


Turbo Cannon

Depth Amulet

Jester Lord

Silver Wing

Release Restaint Wave

X-Saber shiz



Most of it is for da lulz.

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Archfiend Zombie-Skull.


I was very disappointed about this card. A lvl 6 (yay!) that requires 2 non-tuners?! How the heck are Zombies going to do that? What lvl 1' date=' 2, or 3 non-tuner cards do they have that are even used? seriously...



PSZ + Skull Servant + Lady in Wight




yea, that's all.

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