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-The card must be LIGHT monster.

-First to 3 Votes win.

-Winner gets 2 Reps from the Loser.



Sne Pales:




[spoiler=[b]Lore[/b]]This monster cannot be Summoned except by removing from play in your Graveyard 2 LIGHT monsters. This monster inflicts Piercing Damage, each time this card destroys a monster by battle, gain LP equal to the damage dealt to your opponent. As long as you control this card, it is the only monster your opponent can target.


[spoiler=Image Credit]Father Wolf








[spoiler=[b]Lore[/b]]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card is also treated as a Spellcaster-Type monster. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all monsters you control are treated as LIGHT monsters. You must Tribute 1 monster you control to attack with this card. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove it from play to change the attacking monster to Defense Position. It cannot change its Battle Position until your opponent's 2nd Standby Phase after this effect's activation.



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[align=center]can i face you?



[spoiler=lore]This card can only be Summoned by removing from play 3 Insect-type Monsters. This card cannot be destroyed by Normal Monsters. For every monster on your opponent's side of the Field destroyed, this card loses 350 ATK points.

When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 Insect-type Monster that was removed from play.




to get the code, quote this post and you'll find/get it.[/align]

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