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Frost and Flame Dragon

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What deck DOES this belong in? I guess a burn deck that runs a couple of Catapult Turtles. But yeah, Terribad ScR this could seriously be an SR in my opinion, i know it's pretty much a Tribute to the Doomed with legs but, with summoning conditions that make no sense this card is Carp. Yes, Carp....like the Fish. Speaking of Fish Terrorking Salmon is better than this. Artwork is pretty smexy though.

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This card's a Super Rare in WC2009. When I first saw it' date=' I was like "OMG A SUPER! THIS GOE EN DECK NAOZ!!!!!111". Then I read the effect...and I was like "OMG THIS GOE IN TOILET NAOZ!!!!!1111". Terrible card is Terrible.


I laughed a little. :lol:

Anyways, it's basically DAD; just stripped of it's power like Yugioh with 4Kids.

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