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Dameon Level Set


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This card can not be designated as an Attack target. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Fallen Angel Dameon Lv 2". When this card is normal summoned it is destroyed and removed from play. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponets life points draw 1 card. During the end Phase of the turn that this card destroyed a monster on your opponet's side of the feild send this card to the graveyard and special summon 1 "Fallen Angel Dameon Lv 6" from your hand or deck.


This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Fallen Angel Dameon Lv 4". When this card is normal summoned it is destroyed and removed from play. When this monster is Special summoned remove 5 monsters from each players graveyard from play. This card gains 100 Attack and Deffense for every monster that is out of play. When this card's Attack points are at 2000 or more you can tribute this face-up monster to special summon 1 "Fallen Angel Dameon Lv 8" from your deck or hand. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the graveyard each player adds 3 monsters that are out of play to their graveyard.


This card can not be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special Summoned by the effect of "Fallen Angel Dameon Lv 6". When this card is Special Summoned both players remove their hands from play. This card gains 100 Attack and Deffense for every card out of play. While "Grim Syth" is on the feild this card is uneffected by spell and trap cards.


This card can not be normal summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing one face-up "Fallen Angel Dameon Lv 8" while "Grim Syth" is face-up on the feild. When this card is special summoned destroy all "Grim Syth" Spell Cards face-up on the feild. This card is uneffected by Spell and Trap cards. When this monster inflicts damage to your opponets Lifepoints select a type (Spell, Trap, or Monster). Your opponet searches his/her deck and removes 2 cards of the selected type from play. This card gains 100 Attack for every card out of play.


This card can not be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by removing 10 or more Zombie-type monsters from your deck out of play. When this card is special summoned tibute 5000 Life Points. Once per turn during either players battle phase search your deck and remove 2 Zombie-type monsters from play to increase this monsters attack by 1000. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle or monster effect inflict 5000 points of damage to your opponet's life points. If this effect reduces your opponet's Life points to zero you win the match.

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