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I dont get why people think level 5 or lower fusions are "LOL WERST CARD EVR!!11"

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Playing Polymer isnt exactly my cup of tea. I prefer Instant Fusion Noddle IMO

(C wut I did thar?)


Pay 1000 Life Points. Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon). It cannot attack' date=' and is destroyed during the End Phase. Only 1 "Instant Fusion" can be activated per turn.[/quote'][/align]


Spellcaster decks that run Musician King work better with this card.

Heck, this card is even awesome in Traditional Format.



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This into Musician King with the Krebons/Plaguespreader you're likely already running, into Arcanite. Which leads into Chaos Sorc. Or this into w/e, sac for Monarch.Basically, this, with Musician King, Darkfire Dragon, or Flame Ghost = almost any worthwhile synch, as long as you're playing lv2-3 Tuners. Oh, wait. Krebons/Plaguespreader/Blizzard/Psy Commander/Gale. DERP! Busted Monarch plays, busted Synchro opportunities, and sets up DARKs for DAD/Dark Creator, and sets up LIGHT/DARK for Sorc? WTF is 1000 LP? AMazing.


tl;dr: Play this card.

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