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NOTE: Anything involving God or the Big Bang will be reported, and the poster will be negged. I don't want to here religion or atheism in this thread, just lulz.


Make a theory about how the universe/Earth was created.


Here is mine:


One day, two atoms emerged from nowhere. One atom said to the other atom, "I am getting bored. Let's make an explosion." The other atom said, "Divide by 0."



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Once upon a time Cthulhu, Fred Rogers and that new kid, Chuck Norris, were having a cup of tea in Nowhere. So, Cthulhu said:


"It's very hard to drink tea with all these tentacles." And so he thought and he thought until finally had a practical use for his tentacles.


So he created Japan.


And Fred Rogers said, "It's hard to kick ass at Ultimate Showdowns without viable competition." And so he thought and he thought until finally had a practical use for his badassery.


So he created Bruce Lee.


And Chuck Norris said, "Wow, these guys are my heroes! I can't believe how I could ever live up to them!" And so he thought and he thought until finally had a practical way to live up to them.


So he created the Internet.


And in unison they looked up and shout, "Let there be light!"


And Rorschach looked down and whispered, "No."


Screw you Rorschach. And so the Earth was made.

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The universe used to be a small atom. This atom had no one to play with. No one to love. So, the atom got mad. It started growing. And growing. AND GROWING EVEN FURTHER. But there wasn't enough space for the atom to grow any further. But the space GREW. The atom got bigger and bigger until... IT BECAME THE UNIVERSE.


A little twist on the Big Bang.

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