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Guardian Eatos

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[justify]If there are no Monster Cards in your Graveyard' date=' you can Special Summon this card from your hand. By sending 1 Equip Spell Card equipped to this card to the Graveyard, select up to 3 Monsters in your opponent's Graveyard and remove them from play. For each monster removed from play by this effect, this card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase.[/i'][/justify]


Oh how I love this card. Great art and nifty effect. Pretty much a Special Summon right off the word go and the ability to become a 4000 ATK beatstick. Can't wait for it to see TCG release. Discuss

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I like the cyber dragon-like effect if done in the first turn or with the right Deck (my guess is macro cosmos? I think I've heard that before). I like its level.


I loved this card since the first time I saw it in the anime, although I like the broken-anime-effect more even if it required an equip and still kept the "no monsters dead" part :3


EDIT: dammit, xD someone commented before me.

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I guess it can also work in those Decks that have a lot of Graveyard control, not only Macro.

I mean, if people can for DAD, they probably could for this.

(I know, this is not a "destroy everything" like DAD and you need to have no monsters at all instead of 3 DARK monsters, but still...)

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