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Shadow Demon's~Martial Arts RP

Esplin 9466 Primary

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Nero smiled, "ah I love that woman." he said jokingly and a bit sarcastically, he knew never to truly mess with her, or else he would die. as he reached the other side."and when it comes to crossing the street, the most normal is....*simulates drumbeat* me!". he looks at the others."so it looks like I win in the normal Olympics, don't feel bad, we can't all be normal." he laughs, considering all of them have great talents, the only way to gloat was to be average.

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The Wolf spawn that they were following Came out from behind a tree. "I was wondering what was taking you so long." He raised his wings in the air. "You will die by my hands, mortal."

Zak climbed off the ground. "Not likely." He said wiping his face. "Ill admit your tough, but I'll leave this fight up to Nero." He turned to Nero. "You have 3 minuets, that should be more that enough time."

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The weapon went straight through the wolf's chest illing it. "7 seconds, plus the scar adds 10, meaning it took 17 seconds to kill that thing." Zak said. "Even though these guys are so much weaker than us, i cant help but feel we need to get stronger."


[spoiler=WARNING, SPOILER. dont read if you dont like spoilers]


The 1st time we fight the leader of the Demon's, were gonna get our asses handed to us big time.


And just so everybody knows, were are about equall strenght to the Oblivion Ones.

[spoiler=Oblivion Ones]

These creatures are considered the generals of the demon's, they are not high in numbers, however there power far serpases that of the wolf spawn. Each one has a differant apperance. Most of them, having only 1 or 2 demonic features, can easuly fit in among a crowd of humans.






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Sem was watching them from a nearby tree. He saw how easy they had taken out that wolf-spawn but that cut on him looks bad. Sen pulled out one of his staffs called sai. He opened up a compartment in it and started filling it full of weights until it weighed at least 50 pounds. He then pulled out his second staff named kai and took all the weights out of it and transferred those into sai. Sai was very heavy now weighing 60 pounds. He put kai on his back but kept sai out incase of trouble.

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