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17 answers to this question

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[align=center][spoiler=Chat Client]

-Go to the Chat Client (look for "Chat" in the YVD Program).

- Register your Nick so your friends recognize you (optional)




[spoiler=Before Requesting a Duel]


- Go into the "Duel" part in the YVD Program.

- Go to connect, Server HOST or CLIENT

- Make an account

- Done




[spoiler=After Making an Account]

- Go back into the Chat Client

- Look for a Duel

- Once you have found someone, ask for their username and who's hosting

- If they're hosting, go to Connect > Server Client and type in their Username (and do vice versa if your hosting)





CNTRL + S = Shuffle Deck

CNTRL + D = Draw (or click on it)

CNTRL + K = Search Deck

CNTRL + F = Flip Coin

CNTRL + R = Roll Die

CNTRL + G = Search Graveyard (or click on it)

CNTRL + I = Search Removed From Game

CNTRL + W = Draw and Show (the drawn card)

CNTRL + E = End Turn (or click on the button that says "End Turn")




[spoiler=Attacking, Adding LP, etc.]

- To Add LP, type in " /add NUMBER HERE "

- To Subtract LP, type in " /sub NUMBER HERE "

- To Attack, right click your monster, select Attack > Your Target Here

- To Change Battle Position, Add/Remove Counters, Activate Effect, etc. right click the card and select....




If you want more help, PM me.


I'll even give you your first duel so you get used to it ^-^[/align]

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Ok here is how it appears.

Left up corner- Setting update sets

right up corner-search advanced search

left bottom corner-none the card and half of the effect box

right bottom corner-none.

Let metake a pic if you want to see it.

Also, any way to make the YVD screen smaller?

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