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Cursed Heart Birthmark, 2nd Marking [ still Basic for now]Started | Accepting | PG-13

Lord JZ of the Enigma

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ooc:Thank you


Jazeth looked at the Prime Minister, he may be leader of his country, but he was still a pitiful excuse of a man, he sighed and looked at the others, why would they accept this peace offering? he personally didn't care what the Minister had as an excuse, but he would listen either way, this did not change his plan in any way.

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OoC: I'll regain control, now! Sorry, had to eat food!


IC: The minister looked around quite the bit, then: "We need to get to London, just g-g-get on..." he stuttered, retreating into the helicopter. Cyrus nodded. "We need to go. I sent a report to the president." He said to the minister.

"good, good..." The minister's muffled voice came from the copter.

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Can i join? :D i know it was bad to leave this rp :/

Username: Jonny
RP Name: Kenji Jian
Age : 16
Character Appearance(Pic or description): http://pandabaka.deviantart.com/art/drug8959-messy-day-58980466
Position of Birthmark: abdomen (can see on pic)
Ability Name: Strings of Dead
1st Ability: Use his hairs as deadly strings cutting almost everything . Also his strings are harder than steel
Returning RPer's 2nd Ability: /
Weapons(If any): A dagger incase of.
Faction: Rouge or Alliance(group): Neutral
Bio(Optional): Born by a normal family , but he was kidnapped when he was 8. He was playing outside when 2 Mans with SWAT-like suits kidnaps him. They brings him to a laboratory , where many scientologist does unhuman test on him , trieng new medecins and other things. After 7 painfull years , the scientologiqt tried a new substance on him , Kenji felt then the biggest pain he ever felt before , but the next day he found out he could let his hair grow and make it short and move it when he wants , after that when later 2 scientologist took hem for a new experiment , he moved his hands like he was playing piano , but he was moving his hairs , and after 1 sec both mans fell down in pieces . After a succesfull escape , he is searching his parents now , and can't make friends because of his long isolement.
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OoC: ANswer this, and I'll delete this, too.

The evil boss thing that Britain sent to capture/kill you people is defeated, by a combination of my laziness in battle, and everyone's efforts! you gained 100 gold. You collected a rusty dagger. THe prime minister has arrived, and is insisting you come to a meeting of the world goverement!

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OoC: That was a great weekend but now i'm back at it.


"Well I'm game," Tiberius says. "After all I've never been to Britannia before. and I've always wanted to go to a different country."

Tiberius stares at the Prime Minister. "You know I never thought a Diplomat would be rude. It just goes to show that even diplomats forget their manners."

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"I say, don't make me go all natzi on you." He joked, but yelled over the chopping of the helicopter. "getz in zee chopper, or vwe will be forceded to shooot you in zee neecaps!" He retreated into the chopper. "Prepare for takeoff..." He muttered. The blades whired harder. If they where going to get on, now was the time.


OoC: Hint, hint.

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