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Cursed Heart Birthmark, 2nd Marking [ still Basic for now]Started | Accepting | PG-13

Lord JZ of the Enigma

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OoC: And JZ's here. Here come the prime minister, does anybody know his offical title? Mr. Minister? Your exellency?


IC: 3 helicopters circled in fromation above them. Finally, one dropped down, and the other two sped off. Cyrus plugged his ears against the noise, hastlily standing up. "Try to compost yourselfves in front of his execllency." He told them. "No trouble, and I might be able to stop him from condeming you all to death for ruining a military project."

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Alistair reaches up, and feels the cut on his head; he looks down at his arm. Enemies or not, he was in no condition to meet a VIP. he thinks. "Condemn us? Please. Oh, don't worry, I won't do anything against Jazeth or Dan's will, but I will not act like he is the most importan person in the world."

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OOC: ok, didn't miss much. BTW, my chains are always attatched to me, and only I can release them. However, If it's plot related and I'm not present, I will allow JZ to take small control over my charrie. But only if i''m offline for more then 8 hours, not including nights.


IC: Shane released his hold on the boy as requested by Alistair. Immediately followiing that he collapsed onto the ground. "Grah, damn. Pushed myself too damn hard." His chins had re-materialised as tatoos and were pulsating and throbing, a result from overworking his power. When he looked up, Helicopters were descending over them. "Well, here comes the real master of ceremonies. After what he put us through, I hope he doesn't expect an apology."

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"The last thing he's going to get is an apology," Alistair said, anger dripping down his voice. He released his shadow sword, as it was taking too large a toll on his body. "Man, I really pushed myself," he says to Shane while examining himself, "I have a broken arm, a cut head, and I can barely control my shadows. So how you holding up?"

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"I'm ok-ahh!" Shanes tatoos on his legs and arms glowed crimson, and he kneeled over in pain. "DAMN IT! Ahhh... Alright. I guess I'm not so okay. My Arms and Legs themselves are sore, but thats nothing compared to these marks. It's like moving, plusating waves of acid burning through my flesh. Worst parts are my legs, but I guess thats cause those chains broke. I also can't seem to call them out either. I guess it's how chains - AUGH... Repair Themselves."

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"yeah... though I can't help but wonder, would any of this even have happened if our government didn't want that thing destroyed? The staged wedding... Cyrus... when you think about it, it's all in a complex way our own governments fault. But then, why would the British be buillding that robot monster anyway? Some many questions... And only one guy knows the answers." To finish his point, he pointed at the ever closing helicopters above. Soon, he hoped, things would make more sense.

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"No... Peace is never perminant, and hard to come by. Conflict is only human. Actually, no, thats not true. Conflict is the nature of all things, both small and large. And some conflict, I guess, can be good. For now, lets just see what this stuffy old Englishman has to say."


OOC: Bed... Tired... be on more tommarrow... Assassins Creed 2 is the best game ever... Goodnight.

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"You'll probably have to take a stay in London overnight, to work out things with the goverment an' all." He looked up, waiting for the helicopters, then whirled around. "It wasn't staged! It was completely real! Okay, so I made a few simflications. But it was all legal! I gave her the certificate of marrige!" He pointed to Lucy. The helicopter finally landed, and a smart suited man stepped out.

"What the bloody h*ll happened here, sir?" The prime minister said.

"Sir, these people destroyed your military vechcile that came to destroy them." Cyrus replied.

"Wha-What is the meaning of this? I didn't ask for this thing!" He looked at Cyrus like he was insane.

"But these wankers....if they've been terrorizeing these streets, why did'nt you have your squad cover them?"

"I would have, your execllency, but they happen to have powers...slightly beyond the normal range of human abiltiy. So...If you get this one mad..." He gestured towards Lucy. "She throttles your flipping neck untill you flipping die."

The Prime minister paled. "Well," He stuttered. "You people must have alot of questions. We need to go to our own contry to...well, work out trieties. Half of you go with Cyrus, half of you go with me, please." He marched off towards his own helicopter, while Cyrus walked towards an empty one.

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"And as you see, Prime minister, here is another one." He stepped to the side with the Minister.

"I-I say! These people need...to...well..."

"Calm down. They are peacefull to all besides me and their enemies." He smiled. "They hate me."

"All of you!" The minister called. "Get into a helicopter, if you please." He motioned to his helicopter and the one Cyrus had used to arrive in.

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