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Cursed Heart Birthmark, 2nd Marking [ still Basic for now]Started | Accepting | PG-13

Lord JZ of the Enigma

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BlaCroc appeared before Jazeth with Lucy on his back. "Here's your woman. She's out for now but she should reawaken in half an hour. I apologize but she was going out of her mind. You should definitely talk to her about that."


OOC: Lucy is out cold but she should wake up soon. BlaCroc did it!! T.T

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Lucy cant hear nero... just another pointless voice... In her mind she´s still seeing all those solider she has killed. "Please, i have a wife and a son!", "Please dont kill me!" "Stop it!"




Lucy just crys out loud, as loud as possible, dont stop, just lying on the back of that wolf, crying the hell out of her

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Cruchinex joins BlaCroc as he jumps through the portal. He notices the bruises and asks him if he's okay. The wolf nods, and adds, "My pride is a little shot, to be knocked over so easily by someone so young."

Cruchinex laughs. "Yeah your fine. Well lets go home," he says as they are in the portal.

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As they all pass through, the timer counts down in the last few seconds the people on the ground seem to give one last wail as the entire area is destroyed at the top floor of the building, courtesy of Jazeth's plan and Tom's power the General, gagged and tied with all the footage he was going to use to incriminate the "Marked" just watches as the blast causes the building to collapse with him inside of it. In his mind he curses how he was not only outsmarted, but also defeated by a 14 year old, in his war room miles away, a file had been written, giving all responsibility and control of the Mercenary force to it's current leader Jazeth

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soon after a message comes to Jazeth, after he agrees to a few things he looks at the rest" I was correct...the General has been convicted of high treason to the state...his connection to that base was discovered while we were over there.....and the General is no longer found, with his death the operation of our task force has been moved to a section lead by the secretary of defense....I am now in charge..." he says at the end.

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