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Cursed Heart Birthmark, 2nd Marking [ still Basic for now]Started | Accepting | PG-13

Lord JZ of the Enigma

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I got this from the old RP for the newcomers

The spirits are murderous and restless, and numerous weopons and your disposal means that you can have some serious fun! It's like having a split personality...to die for!



The color remains the same, but the amount of swirls is your level. This is an example of a level 2 curse. The more experience the user has, giving them more abilities, power, and control over their powers. Everybody starts at level 2.

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RP Name: drak cetio

Character Appearance:http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs36/f/2008/269/5/4/zi_by_heise.jpghas shirt on

Position of Birthmark: right shoulder

Ability Name:Hells Inferno

1st Ability: cotes right arm and part of shoulder in armor then burst into flames

Returning RPer's 2nd Ability: armor expands to left torso and part of face flames are gone (but can still summon fire) can grow blades from armor

Weopons: sword made from a fragment of his armor

Rogue or Alliance: Alliance


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