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To all who say LS is overpowered: USUCK


Lightsworn is no where near OPed. It takes a duelist with skill to handle LS right. Otherwise' date=' you'd just be milling your deck to oblivion.


On WC2009 Wi-fi, I took on a Lightsworn build with a generic Warrior Deck. The strongest monster in it was Gearfried the Swordmaster.....and there we no Synchros. I won with 10000LP. So case and point. LS is only as powerful as the duelist using the deck. Same goes with almost every other deck type out there.



The situation you've presented shows one thing and one thing only, and it does not accurately state that LS aren't sacky and auto-pilot. When deciding the skill of a deck, you have no choice but to assume that the deck is being used by a good duelist. By your logic, Tele-DAD was not OPed in its format because not all Tele-DAD duelists were good. When discussions about a certain decktype are made, we discuss how the members and support cards of that decktype make the strategy good or bad. Also by your logic, Neo-Spacians have a chance to be top tier if used by a good duelist. Plus, stating that "Lightsworn is no where near OPed" further proves of your ignorance at this game. They have destruction, revival, drawing, searching, protection, swarm, and a field nuke. The field nuke alone, in the form of JD, is beyond banworthy and gave the archetype of LS its position on the tier list.


Therefore, my good sir, the only thing you've showed us is that you have no idea what the bloody hell you're talking about.


Wat arkel said is true. The field nuke, lets call it JD for short, is over powered, over priced and is a super broken card. the laughing condition is laughable due to the fact that all LS do is mill cards and the cost to activate the effect is less then demises, and even he has now been limited now. In conclusion we hav found out 1 thing about LS right now, it is a autopilot deck in terms of jus trying to get thier broken win condition out, and isnt that wat most auto pilot decks do in the first place

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lol' date=' It can, On TF3 (Tag Force 3) I was using a LS Deck throughout story mode, I faced a guy called Bawnji who uses a King of the Skull Servants deck, He continually had monsters out on the field, and I ran out of a deck as soon as I cleared his field.



Isn't he on TF2?

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On 2 and 3 IIRC.


Oh' date=' now I remember him, the guy who plays Messenger of Peace, Gravity Bind, and Level Limit Area B all at the same time. XD


He's annoying. HEAVY STORM FTW!!!!



Him? I thought that guy was a ra yellow guy.

Bawnji is a slifer red.

No, that's Bawnji I was talking about. Their is another person like him, though.



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They're pretty good' date=' but there's a few problems.

1: You can Deck out pretty easily if you can't win soon enough.

2: Prepare for your wallet to be empty.


LS is only as powerful as the duelist using the deck. Same goes with almost every other deck type out there.

all of the above are true. there expensive, one of the main reason only one, maybe two, people at my locals play ls. and it does depend on who using the deck if it's good or not. i'd say there good.
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  • Fact: JD is overpowered. The rest of the LS are fine.





These are better reasons of why Lightsworns kick ass' date=' and are Op'ed.



Lumina: YES!

Wulf: YES!

Celestia: YES!

Gragonith: LOLWUT?!


Also you missed Charge and Recharge.


I was replying to the fact he said all were fine, not OP'ed. =)


Yeah, forgot those. =)

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