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Interesting but no I dont see its base atk is low and the effect is one time not forever


Really? I always thought that it just kept everything in attack mode... Odd wording' date=' then.


Anyways, the base ATK is too weak, that the main thing killing it.



When he is summoned is the only time he can change them, but those changed will always be in atk is what I got from it

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I built a deck around this guy in WC09.....it was lulzy...


I built a deck around Neos Wiseman on Wc09. That pissed alot of n00bs off on the wi-fi


This one pissed alot on n00bs off too. All the n00bs I go up against like to play Shield Wings @3.....8)

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I built a deck around this guy in WC09.....it was lulzy...


I built a deck around Neos Wiseman on Wc09. That pissed alot of n00bs off on the wi-fi


This one pissed alot on n00bs off too. All the n00bs I go up against like to play Shield Wings @3.....8)


Nobody ever played that on me.... but I usally run Dark Gaia anyways he would solve that

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I built a deck around this guy in WC09.....it was lulzy...


I built a deck around Neos Wiseman on Wc09. That pissed alot of n00bs off on the wi-fi


This one pissed alot on n00bs off too. All the n00bs I go up against like to play Shield Wings @3.....8)


Wc07's Wi-Fi was E-Hero Stratos spam

Wc08's Wi-Fi was MOST terrible E-Hero decks

Wc09's Wi-Fi is an asortment of random "LOLATK YUSEI/JADEN/YUGI!!11" decks.

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I built a deck around this guy in WC09.....it was lulzy...


I built a deck around Neos Wiseman on Wc09. That pissed alot of n00bs off on the wi-fi


Post the deck, please.


I like that you only have to reveal the cards. It doesn't work with Dark Worlds, but at least you don't lose any cards. The art is yet another one that is too awesome for the card.

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Interesting but no I dont see its base atk is low and the effect is one time not forever


Sorry nope' date=' dunno if they put the rulings on it up or not, but at the ANPR sneak peek they had an announcement that his effect was continuous. Dealing with the fact this card's effect is continuous it's pretty good if i'm wrong then it's okay.


The first thing I think about seeing this guys art is that he says something like:

"I can defeat you without using my arms, then my two other arms will rape you!"



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