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Those Damn, Dirty Apes...


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This times two (One on field, one in hand or Graveyard)....




Plus this...


[spoiler=Ancient Crimson Ape]When a monster you control is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, gain 1000 Life Points.





Plus this....


Equals OTK?

If you have something to clear away the monsters, of course, and figuring that your opponent doesn't have anything to stop it.


Conditional, but I think it'd work...



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You don't even need Crimson, hit them 4 times, you only pay half your LP and deal enough damage to win.

You can also have BOTH in hand/Grave and use any Beast...

Unfortunately, I think Des has a messed up 'effect activates in damage step' ruling. So Baboon can't respond to it... =/

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