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Simplicity Society [SS] - Back Up!

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[align=center]Club is back up everyone!


Simplicity iz za shiz up in da YCM forumz so get in dis club NAO![/align]



p><p>[size=x-small]So, I heard you liek graphix? Funny, I do too. Anyway, Simplicity Society is all about graphix. The graphix can be simple or complicated, epin or fail, but what is this club here for? Here to help. Let


The title tells it all. What the hay, call this a society. Anything wrong with simplicity. Earth needs a drop of it, maybe just the whole bottle. But enough unnecessary nonsense that you probably don't care about. Anyone GFX'er can join, good or bad. I mean seriously, who am I to stop you from entering this club?



SS Name:

Program(s) Used:

GFX Examples:

1 Good Simple Sig:



[spoiler=Members]http://i28.tinypic.com/b650ns.jpg' alt='b650ns.jpg'>30ug7ef.jpg262ryw5.jpg10pnhbo.jpg10cvtww.jpgmhdo5t.jpg2ptths5.jpg2c0sw0.jpg2uxwgnd.jpg1zwzs9.jpg257hy08.jpg1zf7yuc.jpg


[spoiler=Display Case]

[align=center]~~Into the Abyss~~




Pretty much a Deidara sig with added effects.

By XxLayMeToRestxX



~~Zabuza, Natural Killer~~




First "good" sig I've ever made. I blurred the sides of the render to make it seem like it was popping out. I burned the portrait of Zabuza on the left and flipped the text sideways. This was also a gift to debrisd112.

By Yoko



~~Ulquiorra The Mystical Espada~~




What you see is what you get.

By Makotushin



~~Naughty Grimmjow~~




OMG did you see what he did there?

By Makotushin[/align][spoiler=Display Case Application]

Graphic Art:





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+ss.Ovechkin Rocks

GIMP' date=' Paint

[spoiler=GFX Examples']







[spoiler=1 Good Simple Sig]



^^above sig is very simple XD


1 good sig but whatever

those cards are not what i mean. like tags, look at the ones in my sig

The one in my sig' date=' no im not that great, unfortunatly but i will!


I just found it on google and thought it was epic!



oh, i thought you made that epin animation of a stick figure that cant break a wall lol

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6znhj7.jpgHai! I'm Yoko, your teacher for the day! I'll show you how to make a basic siggeh, so ready for lesson 1? Vroom, vroom, VROOOMMMMM!!!!





6znhj7.jpgStart off with a 400x150 piece of block. Yummy! I demand you add a border with a Border X size of 1 and a Border Y size of 4 with the color black. If you're smart, you'll keep that "Delta value on color" as 25. Now to the good stuff!





6znhj7.jpgLooks like I'm ahead of ya! Time to catch you up! Use the following statistics in the "Change Foreground Color" menu. It's those boxes under the tools.


H - 34

S - 78

V - 85

R - 217

G - 144

B - 48


That's the color I used. You don't have to use the same color, but orange always pwns. Now about those dots on the left. Call 'em vectors. You can add any flowing vector that you want to the side. I chose that brush because it look, well, ummm, "cooooool". First get a balc vector brush and tap dat shiz on the left. Then, get a color of your choice, and slap it slightly lower than your previous vector. Sound confusing? PM FC, he will help you.





6znhj7.jpgOk, do this and do it right. Why? You cannot, no let's bold thi,s you cannot, you CANNOT screw with this render. Get a render, in specific, some guy in a car. Now slap dat render a little right off da middle fo sho! Next, get a splatter bush and splatter some shiz in the lower left corner of the render, NAO! Dun forget to recolor your render any color!





6znhj7.jpgReady for the juicy part? Uh, I mean, the, ummm, good part. Anyway, add a vector in the BG that flows from your render. If you used the same render as me, it would go perfect You can see what vector I used in the example above, right? Also, add any text you like and color it. Turn it sideways and place it next to your render, around the area where you splattered.





6znhj7.jpgZzzz...oh, Hai again! Ok, time for the finale! Lower the saturation so it doesn't look like you color bleached the whole thing. PM FC and show him how your sig came out! I'm sure he will be happy to see 'em. Seeya for now!

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^ Nice tut. ^_^


SS Name: Catman

Program(s) Used: GIMP

GFX Examples: 533195.jpg





1 Good Simple Sig :



You know you're in ;D


SS Name: problematica

Program(s) Used: PS

GFX Examples: (2 fine?)



1 Good Simple Sig:

(I had to look back to work from a couple years ago to get a very' date=' very simple one)



I'm still learning how to do those sprite tags, lol. 2 is fine =D


Hey FC


Pretty good club your making there' date=' guess i'l join it


SS Name:Makotushin

Program(s) Used: Photoshop

GFX Examples:



1 Good Simple Sig:



You need improvement, but that's why I'm going to help you =D


SS Name: Xyh

Program(s) Used: GIMP

GFX Examples: too lazy to upload.. just go to the showcase and find them >.>

1 Good Simple Sig:



I know your skill anyway ;D

I'm making name tags now =D

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