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Overworked lolz

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XL' date=' your doing it wrong.


And why Konami censored the explosion, is beyond me.



Doing what wrong? And yeah, censor was pointless.


You can see his skull in the flames a bit, i guess that's what made them censor it. But it's barely visible, big whup i'm the only one that even noticed it, but i guess since that's "scary" or "gory" they had to censor it. But i'd love to see little kids like "Momma, don't get on the compuder it'll asplode in your face."


OT: It's carp, nothing too useful here, but the artwork is Epic LULZ, only thing that'd be better than this is Kozaky getting kicked in the balls by Man-Thro' Tro', while Skull Servant is just sitting there LOL'ing.

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