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[DISC] Raiza the Storm Monarch

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While being slow at not being able to Special Summon like every other crazy monster in these stupid times. It can still be run at a perfect meta. But these days, it lacks what these monsters in this meta do, and thats speed


But don't get me wrong, if played correctly, I believe they are still majorly competitive

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If you can maintain control over your opponent while providing adequate tribute support, the Monarchs are still deadly. At 3, Raiza is even more of a threat, with the potential to give your opponent repetitive draws several times in a row, especially when coupled with PWWB.

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why are people saying this meta and next meta are going to be fast?!?!


i have never been otked this meta, because im a good funking player!

the monk 2 spells shenanigans is about as fast as it gets, and its not very likley to happen (never happend to me and ive faced a lot of cat decks)


the point is, raiza at 3 is once again going to define a format and i dont liek it ¬_¬

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