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Something to think about (tl;dr warning)

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ITT: Don't message the messanger.


From all the crap floating around, all I get is that you wish that people stop giving crap to the public speaker. Um... do you know why people employ public speakers? HINT: To deliver and recive crap.


Any other reasonings for why a spokesperson should not be spoken about (positivly and/or negetively) is ludacris.

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Guest PikaPerson01
If you don't like the way Tewart does his job, and are so displeased with this game as a result...why are you buying cards, playing the game, and wasting hours on a message board trolling a guy you don't know? It's hypocritical, and pretty much a Boeing full of failure. Tewart's not forcing anyone to buy cards and play the game. Welcome to free will.


Eh, if that's the way the world was governed, then nothing would ever possibly be done or be improved upon. Personally speaking, I've never been fond of the whole "be happy with the hand you're dealt or GTFO" mentality, because it's a cheap cope out to allow something to remain being terrible rather then addressing it's own shortcomings.


(Note: The very little I do know about Magic and Pokemon is strictly from second or third person responses. I've never played Magic, and I've only played the Pokemon TCG game for the GBC, so I'm pretty sure most if not all my data is inaccurate.)


As for playing another game, while there are alternatives to Yu-Gi-Oh, some people may not get into Pokemon or Magic due to a slightly more complex system of resource managing (Energy in Pokemon. Fields in Magic) as well as the fact that the banlist scrolls, banning entire sets and forcing players to completely change up their decks and start from scratch, which some people don't find appealing.


I say....

The banlist is what it is. If anyone here would like to get hired by Konami for their input on it and try to get it changed, go ahead.

Or heck, even write a letter to the people who do this stuff.

All I'm saying is, sitting here and complaining about it and throwing insults around at each other may be fun, but it doesn't get the problem solved.


If I knew how to get a job at Konami or where to send my letter to, I'd do it in a heartbeat. If you have any idea how such people could be reached, be sure to send me the info.

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um....... i still don't know what going on


Let me give you a basic recap:

Everyone knows this new banlist was good for a few reasons but for many, and the players are pissed. Kevin Tewart's job seems to be helping with manipulating the banlist so that the game is healthy and will make the most money possible while keeping the first goal intact. Many people stand by his side with that argument while others say he should focus more on creating a better banlist. That's what I get from this thread anyway.

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