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Something to think about (tl;dr warning)

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Guest PikaPerson01

I agree that rude and thoughtless comments would be completely uncalled for, however that's not a good reason to jump to the complete opposite end of the spectrum and fellate him.

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If we're talking fellatio, I'd better zip my fly back up...


I'm not ridin his nuts. I'm just saying that we shouldn't all be riding the "Darth Tewart" wagon just because he's the one named employee we know.


Fact: If you(referring to any one member of ygo anywhere, and pleeeease DO take this personally) had Tewart's job, you'd be fired in about 45 minutes. Period. Lay off him. Let him do his job, cause guess what? HE'S DOING IT BETTER THAN ALL OF US COMBINED WOULD.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Fact: If you(referring to any one member of ygo anywhere' date=' and pleeeease DO take this personally) had Tewart's job, you'd be fired in about 45 minutes. Period. Lay off him. Let him do his job, cause guess what? HE'S DOING IT BETTER THAN ALL OF US COMBINED.[/quote']


"What if I posed a statement with an answer that cannot be proved true or false... but then ask people to do just that!"

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Fact: If you(referring to any one member of ygo anywhere' date=' and pleeeease DO take this personally) had Tewart's job, you'd be fired in about 45 minutes. Period. Lay off him. Let him do his job, cause guess what? HE'S DOING IT BETTER THAN ALL OF US COMBINED.[/quote']


"What if I posed a statement with an answer that cannot be proved true or false... but then ask people to do just that!"


You'd have just wasted this forums time, and mine, and your own, and made me waste everyone else's time as well by posting this?

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If we're talking fellatio' date=' I'd better zip my fly back up...


I'm not ridin his nuts. I'm just saying that we shouldn't all be riding the "Darth Tewart" wagon just because he's the one named employee we know.


Fact: If you(referring to any one member of ygo anywhere, and pleeeease DO take this personally) had Tewart's job, you'd be fired in about 45 minutes. Period. Lay off him. Let him do his job, cause guess what? HE'S DOING IT BETTER THAN ALL OF US COMBINED WOULD.



That seriously reads like riding on his nuts. Seriously.


And, oh, you aren't callin' Pika's bluff.

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Pika' date=' don't you understand? Kefka isn't in love with Tewart or anything. He's just decided that Tewart is a genius endowed with the power of God and the only man with the massive intellect necessary to work for even a single day in a company that makes card games. [b']What.[/b]


Really? Are you really this childish? Get out of my thread and go post on a Dora board or something.

If we're talking fellatio' date=' I'd better zip my fly back up...


I'm not ridin his nuts. I'm just saying that we shouldn't all be riding the "Darth Tewart" wagon just because he's the one named employee we know.


Fact: If you(referring to any one member of ygo anywhere, and pleeeease DO take this personally) had Tewart's job, you'd be fired in about 45 minutes. Period. Lay off him. Let him do his job, cause guess what? HE'S DOING IT BETTER THAN ALL OF US COMBINED WOULD.



That seriously reads like riding on his nuts. Seriously.


And, oh, you aren't callin' Pika's bluff.


I really wouldn't know what ridin nuts would sound like. As I don't practice it.


What bluff? A failed attempt at a paradoxical statement?

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Pika' date=' don't you understand? Kefka isn't in love with Tewart or anything. He's just decided that Tewart is a genius endowed with the power of God and the only man with the massive intellect necessary to work for even a single day in a company that makes card games. [b']What.[/b]


Really? Are you really this childish? Get out of my thread and go post on a Dora board of something.


sheet is about to get real

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Guest PikaPerson01

Fact: If you(referring to any one member of ygo anywhere' date=' and pleeeease DO take this personally) had Tewart's job, you'd be fired in about 45 minutes. Period. Lay off him. Let him do his job, cause guess what? HE'S DOING IT BETTER THAN ALL OF US COMBINED.[/quote']


"What if I posed a statement with an answer that cannot be proved true or false... but then ask people to do just that!"


You'd have just wasted this forums time, and mine, and your own, and made me waste everyone else's time as well by posting this?


It's more of a repetition and rephrase of your sentiment. You couldn't possibly know if me, you, my dog Skip, or anyone else could ever "do it better" or worse (Forgetting for a moment that "better" is such a subjective word. Better for Konami's stock holders and profits is much different from better for skilled players).

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It's more of a repetition and rephrase of your sentiment. You couldn't possibly know if me' date=' you, my dog Skip, or anyone else could ever "do it better" or worse (Forgetting for a moment that "better" is such a subjective word. Better for Konami's stock holders and profits is much different from better for skilled players).



+ Respect, for posting something intelligent in pretty much every reply so far, and not trying to "squash the board noob", like everyone else seems to be trying(and failing) at. You obviously understand me, even if in disagreement on points. Good pointing out how I used a generalization to sum it up. I did. Of course, it's irrelevant either way, considering he's got the job, none of us do, so why are thousands of ygo forums rolling with hate for a guy none of them know, and few of them could even remotely grasp the complexity and difficulty of his position? He's basically the mediator between the players who want a balanced environment and fair decks, with reasonable banlist calls, yet also is working for a company. Not a charity. A company, whose business it is to make money. Yeah, I said it. Making money. That's what it all boils down to for Konami. As long as they make the cash, they could care less. KT's role is to make both sides happy. He's gotta see what changes to the game can be made to promote the player base's wants, so that players continue to play, therefore buy cards, therefore make money, which Konami wants, but he's also supposed to do so without interfering with Konami's advertising and marketing, which focuses on putting all the dumb broken cards out there, and then actually leaving them around to be abused, cause that's what sells cards!


It sucks that money is at the root of what should just be a simple, fun card game. But it is. As with all things. And Kevin Tewart deserves to be the scapegaot no more than you, me, or the President's grandma.


Fact of the matter is, as I keep saying...lay off. WHo the eff are we to judge how he does his job when 99.999999999999999% could barely understand what it even is he does?



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He's gotta see what changes to the game can be made to promote the player base's wants' date=' so that players continue to play, [u']therefore buy cards, therefore make money[/u], which Konami wants, but he's also supposed to do so without interfering with Konami's advertising and marketing, which focuses on putting all the dumb broken cards out there, and then actually leaving them around to be abused, cause that's what sells cards!


ITT: buying cards = making money.

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It's more of a repetition and rephrase of your sentiment. You couldn't possibly know if me' date=' you, my dog Skip, or anyone else could ever "do it better" or worse (Forgetting for a moment that "better" is such a subjective word. Better for Konami's stock holders and profits is much different from better for skilled players).



+ Respect, for posting something intelligent in pretty much every reply so far, and not trying to "squash the board noob", like everyone else seems to be trying(and failing) at. You obviously understand me, even if in disagreement on points. Good pointing out how I used a generalization to sum it up. I did. Of course, it's irrelevant either way, considering he's got the job, none of us do, so why are thousands of ygo forums rolling with hate for a guy none of them know, and few of them could even remotely grasp the complexity and difficulty of his position? He's basically the mediator between the players who want a balanced environment and fair decks, with reasonable banlist calls, yet also is working for a company. Not a charity. A company, whose business it is to make money. Yeah, I said it. Making money. That's what it all boils down to for Konami. As long as they make the cash, they could care less. KT's role is to make both sides happy. He's gotta see what changes to the game can be made to promote the player base's wants, so that players continue to play, therefore buy cards, therefore make money, which Konami wants, but he's also supposed to do so without interfering with Konami's advertising and marketing, which focuses on putting all the dumb broken cards out there, and then actually leaving them around to be abused, cause that's what sells cards!


It sucks that money is at the root of what should just be a simple, fun card game. But it is. As with all things. And Kevin Tewart deserves to be the scapegaot no more than you, me, or the President's grandma.


Fact of the matter is, as I keep saying...lay off. WHo the eff are we to judge how he does his job when 99.999999999999999% could barely understand what it even is he does?






So ye tellin' us slaves to shut up, because Mr. Nice Face's operatin' under such a strain, servin' some alien overlords actin' willy-nilly?


No, sir, I suggest we give him a myocardial infarction rather than continue chafin' under a hundred feet of unjustified bullshit.


Clear, dear?

And, surely, if one really wants to sell his merchandise, he's gonna make sure it isn't defective, so that he won't spend money tryin' to repair the damage, right?

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This last post is not only ludicrous, but borderline racist...


(directed at Joe YuGiOh, the average player/boardmember)

If you don't like the way Tewart does his job, and are so displeased with this game as a result...why are you buying cards, playing the game, and wasting hours on a message board trolling a guy you don't know? It's hypocritical, and pretty much a Boeing full of failure. Tewart's not forcing anyone to buy cards and play the game. Welcome to free will.


"slaves"? Really? Grow up. Seriously. It's a children's card game.

Why we can't only play YGO? D:



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The whole "if you don't like it don't play" argument is just nonsense because it creates a false dichotomy in which any game is either above all criticism or completely unplayable.


In fact, this false dichotomy seems to govern your thinking in general. You claim that all you want is for people to stop acting as if Tewart is Faust, but in the end what you're demanding is that we all see Tewart as Jesus and terminate any criticism of him at all. Somehow, you just don't seem to grasp the basic idea that maybe, just maybe, not everything is either absolutely perfect or irredeemably worthless.


Incidentally, which was the racist part? The part where it said Tewart had a nice face (which is racist because he isn't black and thus implies that black people don't have nice faces or something)? The part that mentioned aliens (which is probably racist against Mexicans or something)? The part where slavery was mentioned (which is racist because you associate slavery with black people, which clearly makes Tabris the racist one here)? The part where myocardial infarctions were mentioned (which is racist against Native Americans because hearts are sort of red)?

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Seriously Crab, stop trying so hard. You've yet to provide anything relevant to the discussion. You walked into this thread, decided to flame, and have continued your failed campaign of stupidity long enough. Get out, stop posting, and let it rest.


I don't know what I did to tick you off so bad from the moment I became involved with this board, but you've clearly shown an unwarranted distaste for me. If so, whatever. You can have your little world of idiocy. Leave me out of it.


tl;dr: Crab, you're not important, stop trying to be. Go away.


Does anyone esle who's NOT a random board troll have anything important and relevant to add other than trying and failing to flame me off the board? If not, /thread, and lock this.

For the record, I'd like to add, this began as a discussion between me and BTM. And is an opinion. Which any of you are entitled to disagree with, for example, as Pika has. However, just because your opinion may differ from mine does not make you smarter, better, or more important than me, nor does it give you the right to start trolling and flaming my posts just becuase you think differently. You disagree? Fine. You wanna verbalize your side of the discussion? Fine. You wanna make it personal over a ygo message board because you disagree with me? Loser. Fail. GTFO. Grow up. Bye.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I have less of a problem with overpowered cards than I have with nigh-unplayable cards. I would really like to know how mich control Kevin has over the aspect of card balance, especially in regards to making cards simply better. I wonder if Kevin would be willing to supply an answer? I should go PM him on Pojo.


Oh, and in regards to Kevin's job performance, he does tend to overhype cards, especially TCG exclusives, which I assume he has some level of control over. Seriously, Card Guard was the only exclusive I would rate as "above-average" in regards to playability.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Seriously' date=' Card Guard was the only exclusive I would rate as "above-average" in regards to playability.


What about the other awesome American cards such as Test Tiger, Allure of Darkness, and Solar Recharge?


I forgot to put that I was talking about the most recent set.

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I say....

The banlist is what it is. If anyone here would like to get hired by Konami for their input on it and try to get it changed, go ahead.

Or heck, even write a letter to the people who do this stuff.

All I'm saying is, sitting here and complaining about it and throwing insults around at each other may be fun, but it doesn't get the problem solved.

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I say....

The banlist is what it is. If anyone here would like to get hired by Konami for their input on it and try to get it changed' date=' go ahead.

Or heck, even write a letter to the people who do this stuff.

All I'm saying is, sitting here and complaining about it and throwing insults around at each other may be fun, but it doesn't get the problem solved.



shadowferret just won this thread.


+ rep

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exept no


okay he needs to make a banlist yet not ban everythign broken to make sure good cards are still wanted, and therfore cards are still sold


if i had his job i do everythign he did exept id semi limit black whirlwind, its a common so its not liek boxes of cards are going to go unsold with the semi limiting of it, and i have effectivly made the game slightly better by dooing so, as its a step in the right direction


so there me myself, have hypothetically done a better job than him so no your wrong

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