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On that note: if everyone is basically expressing the same opinion about a certain topic, is it okay if someone just posts "Agreed" to express that they just agree with everyone who posted basically. Or I guess it would work if you were referring to the last person who posted too. Do you think that is okay?

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^It was probably Yugiohmasta' date=' but you can't remember because you're trying to ignore him.


There should be no restrictions on number of words. period.[/quote']



Surprisingly I don't think it was Yugiohmastta.



I suppose you're right, at least for now. Anyone have another opinion?

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He doesn't plus some people I can mention *cough* pointman *cough* seem to over-react and get childish with it' date=' and giving people neg reps for completely un-neccissary reasons, Pointman tried to give me one when I was explaining the rules to him, if that's not childish then I'm an oujama.[/quote']


You're the green one. :lol: Jk. I really am getting sick of him/them now.


I've seen the Pointman/Dr.Crowler/Yugiohman do it a couple of times


Yes' date=' they are all the same person. On the subject, if he dosen't choose one of the three to use, I hope YCMaker sees it as reasonable for him to banned. Now, BS, is there anyone other than him?


its not up to frunk dumbass


He's right you know... I just put you as my first preference, Shaco was second, yugiohmasta444 was tenth.


horus and Danilus knows im here


I do to. In fact' date=' I know his feeble side of the moons only waeknesses!!! (Read his Location)[/size']

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(Lets try our best to ignore Yugiohmastta, really.) maybe if we're quiet enough he'll go away




Frunk I don't remember if you gave us your input on the topic? What do you think?


(If you've already said something don't worry about it, I'm just trying to steer this away from the side discussion)

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he didnt prove me wrong' date=' he proved me right[/quote']


I think he was talking about you saying KA Flame was be ignored, or something.


Frunk I don't remember if you gave us your input on the topic? What do you think?


I stated that this thread was rediculous because of the fact that only one members has certainly done this' date=' and that is thepointman and his merry band of double-accounts. I also asked why it would be worse if specifically members with 200+ posts did this, and, for as much as I gathered, the answer had something to do with Advanced and highler level members setting a good example. I think this is rediculous, as there are quite obviously a definable group of idiots that have 200+ posts (names 'steven' and 'thepointman' come to mind). I think it would be worse if highly reputable members did this, such as HORUS, TotalObelisk, Danilus, Falling Pizza and myself, to name a few. As (really no offense is intended to yugiohmasta444), but would you think twice if you saw him make such a post. "Oh, he's got -30 something, better not copy him".


Anyone see my above point?


Maybe just stronger enforcement on quality, not a limit



Card Trade

Fan Fic

Graphic Design

General (Especially this one)


Why? You may ask, because they really have not that much to do with Card Making and Trading themselves. People should only earn points when they posts their cards in one of this six card forums (not exclusively cards, I'm just saying in such topics) and Yugioh TGC and Your Deck are very much related to Yugioh, so they should count. QCAS and H&T are self-explanatory really. Introductions is excluded because of the amount of times 'oplo' just posts the word 'hi', and it really has nothing to do with yugioh in any form. General does contain a fair amount of Yugioh content, but a fair bit more spam, etc. Graphic Design because people have missed the point and aren't posting Yugioh Card Style art, just sigs and 'funny pics', etc. Fan Fic is false, no two ways about it, and Card Trade, well, it's just for trading discussion.


By the way, I have not posted in any of the 6 card-making forums in atleast two weeks, excluding Contests.

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That actually sounds like a really good idea.



All in favor say "I" ... but also say something else about why you agree or disagree because I don't want to be the cause for a whole bunch of posts with just the letter "I" or "Nay" in them...

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on the other hand, poeple could just create countless amounts of pointless cards, sets, and contests just to get more points, so spamming doesnt necessarily only to the above topics mentioned by frunk. ]


If i remember correctly, the points system was implemented to get people involved in posting. It shouldnt matter where that person is posting.


i guess my point is the card-creating topics are just as prone to spamming as any other topic.

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yugiohmasta has a point because you named alot of areas frunk so if you do that spammers will all go to one spot cause you to have to eliminate the point system entierly, and if the ease to get points goes down the cost of cards will go up


:P i dont really use point so doesnt affect me too much,

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word association is perfectly fine to put short answers in. thats what its supposed to be.



Is that even possible though' date=' to make the rule apply to some topics, but not to others?[/quote']


Yup, acctually its quite simple just ask a Mod or Admin to do it.

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