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~Beware, the end of the world~


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OK this tread consists on the following


We all have the ability of creating a world. Its YCM war 3 and every user is in war. I create a world and the next user who posts destroys mine and creates his. EX:



I create my world it has a steel gate around it and nobody can enter.



I use the power of Red eyes black dragon to melt the gate and destroy your world with a super laser canon. I create my world that is in the middle of nowhere.



I use a portal to transport myself to nowhere and destroy your world with a kamehameha. I create my wrold.....


that is it.


I create my world that is surrounded by dragons and is in a galaxy that is now surrounded by lava.

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I use windows calculator to find that 5 divided by 0 has no answer and get my rocket launcher and my time machine. I kill the guy who invented mathematics so no more math class. I create my world in the middle of a giant vortex that would actually suck everyone who gets close.

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No fair I cant harm god!

Well I would bring people and talk to people about how bad you were when you destroyed others people world so they do the dirty job >:S 10 minutes later your world is detroyed by your people.

I create my world in a sketch book. In a world where erasers don't exist!

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I tear up the Sketchbook of your world, then dip it in water and let it go down the drain.


I create my world in the sky, where it can float, and there is an extremely powerful barrier around it that can only be broken when you know the answer to how many red notes there are in Aesthetics of Hate on Rock Band 2. =]

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oh no you didn't. Why you were so cruel :( Nooo!


Well I kill myself and I pass through the barrier as a ghost. I put a Bomb in your world and it is now destroyed. I create my world under my underwear in my closet :D what ya think about that? Believe me you dont want to go in there.

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My world is indestructible. It is forever, was forever, and forever will be forever. It somply cannot be destroyed, moved or replaced. Everyone within my world cannot die, and their souls cannot die.


I am Indestructible.

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the password


I destroyed it :P You said type "the Password".


My world was Past' date=' my world is present, My wold is Future. You cannot destroy time or manipulate it.



no, i meant if you type what the secret password is. It's not password.


I destroy your world by crushing spacetime using 10,000,000 black holes


i create a world just like the last world i did. The password is not the word password

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I use my time machine to go to infinity and walk 0 steps to get to nowhere now im in nowhere and also in the edge of space. Now nowhere is the edge of space and because a place can't be two places at the same time the law of nature is broken and your world explodes.


I create my wolrd in the middle of a chocolate guarded by an ant.

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