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five star anime world(not started accepting club members only)

vengeful lemonS

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Here's mine

name of anime: Naruto

name of anime character: Itachi Uchiha

age of anime character(if known): um 20s

anime character's power: Sharingan(able to incopasitate any opponent), Tsukuyomi(opponents is in a horror trance where the worst things possible happen to him.her)

anime character's apperance:



alliance:evil Duh >=D

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Ooc: lol WiiOmi. well i guess i should start..


Itachi moved the hair out from his eyes, as the wind blew past him. He stared over the land of Konoha, his eyes unfocused thoughtful. He noticed something behond the trees, leaping down to it, he noticed it was something. 'An alternate Dimension.' He though. Suddenly a strong gust swept up, and he was sent into the rift.

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Mao walked across these new lands to see a peculiar person, with a long black coat. it had red clouds on it, and what looked like a sheathed sword. he walked up to him and asked where he was. "do you know where we are?" simultaneously looking into his mind, slightly uncovering one ear from his headphones

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OoC: the only reason i knew about your Sharingan is because i can read minds and you activated it,triggering something in your mind. we aren't supposed to know eachother at all, or other dimensions until this point. so I'm just going to ignore that comment about the Geass. you don't have to change it, unless you want tp.


"I don't know. it seems that we are in a land neither of us know. all i see is an ocean with a beach, and grass. not much else. shall we explore?" Mao said, curious of this land.

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Luffy already reached the island and walked around in the nature. After he followed a dusty path, he saw two guys stand there talking with each other. One had black hair and wore a long black coat. The other one had white hair and wore a strange light blue jacket.


"Hey you two, whats up? Does anybody know where I can find a restaurant?"

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"well, I'm not sure about a restaurant, but there is a town up that way" he pointed across a hill. "it should be less than 500 meters away. I'm going there to find out where the heck i am, and i don't think it's Kansas." Mao half joked as he put his headphones back on, soothing the sound...

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I am Ichimaru Gin captin of squad 3 in the 13court guard squads" said gin as he walked over " you seem like a shady character don't you?"

just then another figure pop out it was jariya the toad mountian sage

"itachi so your here and whose your little friend?"

"I'm Ichimaru Gin captin of squad 3 in the 13 court guard squads"

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ooc: it's still funneh


"No I do not mind, but I still wish i knew where I am, and whut is my purpose here" Itachi says, deactivating his sharingan.



introducing a new character for me kk Fanmie?

name of anime: naruto

name of anime character: Kisame Hoshigaki

age of anime character(if known): uh i have no idea

anime character's power: Weilds a powerful sword that shreads to pieces

anime character's apperance: blue skin, in a black long coat with red clouds on it, blue hair [spoiler=pic]ref_kisame.jpg


alliance:evil duh =3

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