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Guide to get some ladies (Sexy pics added)

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[align=center]That's right Fortune Ladies and there sexy, sexyness. But lets get down to it. What is a good fortune lady deck?


My answer is Tele-Ladies



Fortune Ladies have only 6 monsters 1 for every element, unlike most archtypes. They all, also have a ? for ATK and DEF, which means your favorite searcher Sangan wount be making an important plays in the deck. all of them have a way of gaining ATK and DEF and increasing there levels during the standby phase of your turn. Sadly only 5 of the ladies shall be used in this build.





The searcher of the deck. Not only can this monster search any Fortune Lady in the deck, it can hurt your opponent for play Mirror Force, or Torrential while your swarming. Sadly this card has to be removed by a card effect for its effect to go off.

[spoiler=Lore]Each of your Standby Phases, increase the Level of this card by 1 (max 12). This card's ATK and DEF are equal to its Level x 200. When this card is removed from the field by a Card Effect, you can Special Summon 1 "Fortune Lady" from your Deck.







Ring of Destruction on legs, but its effect only works when its special summoned. On the upside of the downside you can also kill face down monsters that might be trollin.

[spoiler=Lore]Increase this card's Level by 1 during your Standby Phase (Max. 12). This card's ATK and DEF are equal to its level x200. When this card is Special Summoned in Attack Position by the effect of a "Fortune Lady", destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK.







Fortune Ladies have there own Disc Commander but not quit as broken in some ways. to get her effect to go off you have to have 1 of her sisters on the field with her when she is special summoned. Her effect also works when she is special summoned from the deck.

[spoiler=Lore]This card's ATK and DEF are equal to its Level x 300. During your Standby Phase, this card's Level is increased by 1. (max. Level 12). If you control a "Fortune Lady" monster other than "Fortune Lady Watery" when this card is Special Summoned to your side of the field, draw 2 cards.







MST on legs. Just summoning her by her self; kills a s/t. When swarming, this thing can become Heavy Storm on legs.

[spoiler=Lore]This card's ATK and DEF are equal to its Level x 300. During your Standby Phase, this card's Level is increased by 1. (max. Level 12). When this card is Normal Summoned, you can destroy a number of Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls equal to the total number of "Fortune Lady" monsters you control.







Allureible. 2000 ATK and Level 5.She gives the ability to revive your fallen ladies from the graveyard, to all your ladies in play at the time not just her self.

[spoiler=Lore]Increase this card's Level by 1 during your Standby Phase (max. 12). This card's ATK and DEF are equal to its Level x 400. While you control this face-up card, when a face-up "Fortune Lady" monster you control destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Fortune Lady" monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it.




Earthy: an lolbeatstick with lolburn has no room in this deck; even if she is level 6 and comes out with the stats of a monarch.


Next up is the Perfect Cycle/ Teleport Synchro engage.




Mali allows you to quickly synchro it into level 8's for beat sticking and protection. Diamond Dude is the 1 card that you will abuse the most in this deck next to fortune lady lighty (aka this deck runs tons of normal spells). Finally Stratos to search and Fear Monger to reclaim you Heros.


Basic Monster Line up

DAD x1 (+4)

Lighty x3 (0 - +1)

Firey x1 (0)

Watery x2 (+1)

Darky x2 (+X)

Windy x1 (+1 - +X)

Mali x2 (+1)

Diamond Dude x3 (+X)

Fear Monger x1 (0)

Stratos x1 (0)

Krebons x2 (-1)





Future Vision:



Ah yes the card that was show in the anime that supported Fortune Ladies. And indeed that is what it does. This card gives you field control by slowing down your opponent and speeding your ladies up, and its not like fortune ladies don't <3 being removed from the field ether.


Weakness and Strength of Future Vision: Future Vision prevents monsters from calling priority. This will give you major advantage BUT this stops your Dudes from doing their main job. So a word of caution when activating this card.

[spoiler=Lore]When a monster is Normal Summoned, remove from play that monster. During the next Standby Phase of the controller who Summoned that monster, return it to the field in face-up Attack Position.




Fortune Future:



The ungodly +1 draw spell card of the fortune ladies. this is the reason ladies love being removed from play.

[spoiler=Lore]Return 1 of your removed from play "Fortune Lady" monsters to the Graveyard. Then, draw 2 cards.



Perfect Cycle/ Teleport Synchro engage stuff yet again.




Destiny Draws for speed with E-Tele backing up your high level monsters for synchros.


Next is the Staple Spells for DARK/DAD decks. Allure, Brain control, Heavy Storm, and RotA.


Basic Spell Line up

Allure x2 (0)

D-Draw x3 (0)

Fortune Future x3 (+1)

E-Tele x1 (0)

Future Vision x2 (-1)

Brain Control x1 (0)

Heavy Storm x1 (-X - +X)

RotA x1 (0)





Unlike straight up Fortune Ladies, Tele-Ladies doesn't run any of the Fortune Lady exclusive support traps. Because of the main reason is because they're exclusive such as "Twist of Fate". Which can only be used while you only have fortune ladies on the field. So for Tele-Ladies you only run staple Traps.


Basic Trap Line up

Torrential Tribute x1 (-X - +X)

Trap Dustshoot x1 (0)

Call of teh Haunted x1 (0)



[spoiler=Finished Product]

With the basic skeleton down u can now add what you feel is good for your finished deck idea.


Here is mine


DAD x1

DH Mali x2

DH Diamond Dude x3

DH Fear Monger x1

FL Lighty x3

FL Darky x2

FL Firey x1

FL Windy x1

FL Watery x2

Krebons x2

BW - Gale x1 / Plaguespreader x1

EH Stratos x1



Allure x2

D-Draw x3

Fortune Future x3

E-Tele x1

Future Vision x2

Brain Control x1

Heavy Storm x1

RotA x1

Dark Core x2

Gold Sarc x2



Torrential Tribute x1

Trap Dustshoot x1

Call of teh Haunted x1





Strengths: Fortune Ladies have everything a good archtype needs: Field control, Deck Thinning, and Draw power.


Decks: Gadget OP, Burden Decks, Macro, GB, Blackwings, CB, Monarch, and Plant.


Weakness: Skill Drain decks are Fortune Ladies worst nightmare (Side s/t destruction). Fortune Ladies have weak ATK and cant kill most high level monsters (reason why running Lightning Vortex or monster remove such as fissure, is an excellent idea)


Decks: Skill Drain (Any kind), Mirror Matches (they're not fun), Stun, Stall, LS (i have yet to test this against an LS deck, but im pretty sure you will have a hard time with Honest and Wolfs swinging large ATK at your ladies).


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The deck runs Dark Core?

And its actually a versitile card here?


Amazing o_o


And I kinda' expected your build to include Firey' date=' but meh, its a random burn card anyway XD


Aside from that, your build actually looks [i']REALLY[/i] effective =D


Opps that was a typo yes there is 1 FL Firey in my deck.

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Could I recommend that you note that Cyber Valley and 1-4-1 are great in here? Using C-Val's effect to RFG Lighty gives you the two Draw and Lighty's effect too, and the RFG'd Lighty is now Fortune Future fodder, powerful draw engine in these. Prehaps not in your build, but that didn't include Firey either, just as a noted 'helpful card'

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Prehaps not in your build' date=' but that didn't include Firey either, just as a noted 'helpful card'



As I noted earlier, its only a random burn effect >___>


Hmmm.... I wonder if it would be possible to make a Fortune Lady deck that also uses Frost and Flame Dragon o_o

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Prehaps not in your build' date=' but that didn't include Firey either, just as a noted 'helpful card'



As I noted earlier, its only a random burn effect >___>


Hmmm.... I wonder if it would be possible to make a Fortune Lady deck that also uses Frost and Flame Dragon o_o


...Destroy any monster on the field is now Random Burn?... Really?

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-.- hate having a 50% warning no one can see my replies in time. to restate what i said, Yes there is 1 Firey in my Build, the missing 1 was a typo.


This is actually a pretty good guide' date=' I might use it to make a Fortune Lady deck of my own as soon as the other 4 Fortune Ladies come out :P.



thanks man =D

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Ah' date=' sorry for missing that o.o

Anyway, what's your thoughts on Cyber Valley in FL?



Valley is a nice tech in normal FL, but in this build its all about speed and field control, and the fact there is no room for him in the deck ether really. If u feel that Valley works for u by all means place him in, but he just isnt fast enough for me.


Future Visions also hurts Valleys 2nd effect.

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-.- hate having a 50% warning no one can see my replies in time. to restate what i said' date=' Yes there is 1 Firey in my Build, the missing 1 was a typo.


This is actually a pretty good guide, I might use it to make a Fortune Lady deck of my own as soon as the other 4 Fortune Ladies come out :P.


thanks man =D


lol, No probs XD.

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I only came to see the pics. Finding them not here' date=' I immediately wrote this down.



Do u wish me to post them <.<


Yes please. For once I actually agree with Pika.


Sexy Pics added for ur viewing pleasure.


this deck so broken!!! Also' date=' what'd u expect from such an epin member?!



lol it hasnt lost to u yet XD


i perfer fortune junkies' date=' it seems like the most cool of all the builds, ill post it in the deck section now



to be 100% truthful that just sounds terrible

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I'm very confused on Fire as it's effect on lolwikia says "1 monster" while the card clearly says "1 face-up" monster' date=' although since the ruling says "face-up monster" I'm assuming they messed up when writing the effect.



Her OCG effect says 1 monster. meaning it is yet another card needing to be 'nerf'ed

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I'm very confused on Fire as it's effect on lolwikia says "1 monster" while the card clearly says "1 face-up" monster' date=' although since the ruling says "face-up monster" I'm assuming they messed up when writing the effect.



Her OCG effect says 1 monster. meaning it is yet another card needing to be 'nerf'ed


And it has been, read the english card, it says 1 face-up monster, also, the ruling itself in the TCG and OCG states a face-up moster, so I'm fairly certain it's face-up monsters only.

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I'm very confused on Fire as it's effect on lolwikia says "1 monster" while the card clearly says "1 face-up" monster' date=' although since the ruling says "face-up monster" I'm assuming they messed up when writing the effect.



Her OCG effect says 1 monster. meaning it is yet another card needing to be 'nerf'ed


And it has been, read the english card, it says 1 face-up monster, also, the ruling itself in the TCG and OCG states a face-up moster, so I'm fairly certain it's face-up monsters only.


alright i guess this card cant kill monsters who are trollin in facedown. oh well, ill still deck 1.

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