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[D´one] Image color border (Requested) Easy-Med

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Ok, i was requested to make a Color-borders tutorial, i will use GIMP becouse i have experience with the path tool and really i prefer it to recoloring. i think this tu is for medium users and you should first know how to Re-color a card to make it look great


You will need:





1Open gimp and your pic (Use a basic pic to try or to learn)

2-Select the path tool (F) and make a border, no need to be exact

3- Copy (CTRL + C) what you selected, create a new layer and paste it on

4- Again select the path tool (F) and make a thiner border, need to be like 10-15 pxls around the pic. This will be the border of the color

5- Copy what you selected, create a new layer and paste it on (AGAIN)

6- Select Fuzzy tool + Shift and select the border (in third layer) and parts that will be on color (in my case, space between cables and body)

7- Go to Colors/Color and select: [Ligth -50 Contrast+70 Color= (you choose)] Without De-selecting what you selected with fuzzy.

8- Press ok and tadah, ya got it.

9- Want the background back? or wanna keep it at render?

[spoiler=BG back¡]

10- Open again your layer screen (CTRL+L) and put in order:


Novisible- Step 3

Visible- Background (Step1)

11- save it



[spoiler=Keep it at render]

10- save it (Be sure the Background is invisible too)



I recomend to save as PNG


Original pic: MechaWolf_by_Werepuppy.jpg

Lawyer order: Capas.jpg

Final Result BG: MechaWolf_by_Werepuppy1.png

Final Result Rndr:MechaWolf_by_Werepuppy2.png


EDIT: Im going to post all your questions and answers here, so


Oh, i got a Pm saying "What about if i wanna gradient it?"


Whell then


When you selected with fuzzy tool make sure you dont de-select and take your Gradient Tool, select the gradient you want to use or the two colors (clear and shadowy) you want to use, then make the line and ready to the final result, i recomend to leave it as render

FINAL RESULT GRADIENT + RENDER = MechaWolf_by_Werepuppy3.png

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