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Your are just plain Crazy!


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therz alllz thezy threadz , whyz youz doez thiz, youz arezmakingz uz sad,


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This is my insane theory (...ok all my theorys are insane). It is all about "invisable mosquito-fly-zombies controlled by THEM".

Thats how it goes: there are mosquitos(mosquito) which have high agility so they can runaway really fast(just like fly). They are still apearing although I killing them and have closed windows and doors (like zombie). They are only apearing when they are close to me (so they are invisible). They are drinking my blod to kill me by haveing not enough of it or to creat army of my clones to control the world (controlled by THEM).


Thank you for your attention.

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Ding-dong! Hello? Hello, sir, this is the ghost of Christmas future. But, it's not Christmas. Yes it is. No. Yes. No. Yes. No, and it's not the future yet. Oh, you are right. Want a box of chocolates? Sure, what kind? Twix. Twix is the sheet, gimme! Here you go. Wait a minute, this has poison. No. Yes. No. Yes. No, it really doesn't. I already ate all of it, so it doesn't matter now. It did have poison. OSHI-. So, wanna go to the park? Sure, I have a nice black van to take you in. Why are the windows tinted? So no one can see us. Alright. Bwahahaha. Cool interior. Thanks. What are you going to do with me in here? Drive you to the park? I thought you were a pedophile. Do you want me to be one? Sure? No. Yes. No. Yes. NO! Fine. Well, we are at the park. Is that pedobear? That's a dog, you moron. Oh. Yeah. The Game. You know what, screw you! Thanks? Screw you, and go die in a freaking hole you son of a... Son of a britch? Yeah, thanks. No problem. So, since I lost The Game... Damn you! Haha. Now I lost it, too! Yep. DIVIDE BY ZERO. OSHI-



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