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Armed Dragon Deck


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Monsters x25

Armed Dragon lv 3 x3

Armed Dragon lv 5 x3

Armed Dragon lv 7 x1

Armed Dragon lv 10 x 1

Masked Dragon x3

Rallis the Star Bird x2

Disciple of the Forbidden Spell x3

The Creator x1

The Creator Incarnate x1

Gilasaurus x1

Mask of Darkness x1

Magician of Faith x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Night Assailant x1

Man-Eater Bug x1

Sangan x1


Spells x14


Level Up! x2

Level Down x1

Nobleman of Crossout x 1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Card Destruction x1

Level Modulation x1

Fissure x1

Smashing Ground x1

Hammer Shot x1

Heavy Storm x1

Premature Burial x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Mage Power x1


Traps x11

Mirror Force x1

Torential Tribute

Draining Shield

Magic Cylinder

Threating Roar

Sakurestu Armor

Karma Cut

Negate Attack

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Call of the Haunted

Bottomless Trap Hole

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I'm no expert, but you seriously need to cut back on the monsters & traps. The spells are pretty good.


- Rallis the Star Bird

- Gilasaurus

- The Creator

- The Creator Incarnate

- Mask of Darkness

- Mage Power

- Masked Dragon

- Man-Eater Bug

+ Nobleman of Crossout

+ Level Modulation x2 (get LV10 out that much easier...)

- Mirror Force (banned!)

- Draining Shield

+ Dark Hole

- Compulsory Evacuation Device

- Snipe Hunter

- Bottomless Trap Hole

+ Sakuretsu Armor

- Disciple of the Forbidden Spell

- Fissure (you already have Hammer Shot and Smashing Ground, plus all those dragons, for monster removal.)

+ Jar of Avarice (We need some replacement for PoG)

- Level Up! (Magician of Faith and Jar...)[/i]


Monsters x16

Armed Dragon lv 3 x3

Armed Dragon lv 5 x3

Armed Dragon lv 7 x1

Armed Dragon lv 10 x 1

Masked Dragon x2

Disciple of the Forbidden Spell x2

Rallis the Star Bird x1

Magician of Faith x1

Night Assailant x1

Sangan x1


Spells x16

Level Up! x1

Level Down?!? x1

Nobleman of Crossout x 2

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Card Destruction x1

Level Modulation x3

Smashing Ground x1

Hammer Shot x1

Heavy Storm x1

Premature Burial x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Dark Hole x1

Jar of Avarice x1


Traps x8

Torrential Tribute

Magic Cylinder

Threatening Roar

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Karma Cut

Negate Attack

Call of the Haunted



40 cards exactly. Hope it does well.

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- Mirror Force (banned!)

+ Dark Hole


u got that a little wrong there...dark hole is banned and mirror force is limited Sorry' date=' I'm going by the 10-05 List.[/b']..and take out level 10 cause he is way to hard to summon The Level Modulations are specifically for that reason.


and its called pot of avarice Again, my bad.


and the dude above that deck has to many spells and to few monsters and has alot of dead draws 16 monsters isn't too few. Neither is 16 spells too much either. And PoA gets rid of bad topdecks.

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- Mirror Force (banned!)

+ Dark Hole


u got that a little wrong there...dark hole is banned and mirror force is limited Sorry' date=' I'm going by the 10-05 List.[/b']..and take out level 10 cause he is way to hard to summon The Level Modulations are specifically for that reason.


and its called pot of avarice Again, my bad.


and the dude above that deck has to many spells and to few monsters and has alot of dead draws 16 monsters isn't too few. Neither is 16 spells too much either. And PoA gets rid of bad topdecks.


Dark hole is still banned and Mirror Force is limited,

I think he wouldn't notice if it said 10-05.

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I myself use a deck with Armed Dragons in it and my advice is that your deck should have around 40 cards. And you should NEVER use Level Down, it's really an awful card unless your opponent uses LV monsters which if they do its probably Horus and Spells don't work to well against him. The Creator works well because you could use his effect to bring back LV 10 after attacking and causing your opponent to waste a Trap like Sak or Mirror Force.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-armed Dragon lv 10 x 1

-rallis the Star Bird x2

-Disciple of the Forbidden Spell x3

-Mask of Darkness x1

-man-Eater Bug x1

-Sangan x1


-level Up! x2

-Level Down x1

-Mystical Space Typhoon x1

-Card Destruction x1

-Level Modulation x1

-Fissure x1

-Mirror Force x1

-Torential Tribute

-Threating Roar

-Karma Cut

-bottom trap Hole

i will not take out armed dragon lv 10, if you tell me to i will go crazy and no i wont take out like 1/2 the cards you people say to!

i already took out:


-Karma Cut

-bottom trap Hole

-Torential Tribute

-rallis the Star Bird x2

-Disciple of the Forbidden Spell x3

-Mask of Darkness x1

-man-Eater Bug x1

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