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God Card,PLZ RATE IT!!!!


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PLZ,It would be glad if you just comment for this card.

I've already post it on the card contest,but please,I would like you to rate it.(It was a quick make).

Study it good and with care.This card is not bad as it has confusing effect.I think it is not forbidden(or not professional) to post your card which is currently on contest(warn me if it is!)

Thank you!

Sorry for the name OBELISK!




"This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set,regardless of situation.If this card is Normal Summoned,you may put this card in your Spell & Trap Card Zone instead of placing it in your Monster Card Zone.While this card is in your Spell & Trap Card Zone,this monster cannot attack and be destroyed by battle and by your opponent's monster effects.While this card is in your Monster Card Zone,it is unaffected by any Spell or Trap Cards.You can switch the mentioned destination of this card once per turn by tributing 1 monster on your side of the field(except this card) and by discarding 2 cards from your hand to the Graveyard.Each time this card changes the destination to Spell & Trap Card Zone,put 1 "Maxima" Counter on this card.When you have 3 "Maxima" Counters on this card,remove them all and you automaticly win the Duel."

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Hehe, my turn to react on your card :).


Let's see now *reads* Can't it be any smaller? *reads card effect below* Ow, crap :P. *reads again but this time much more clear*

Ah, this one would be fun to use with the "Sword of Revealing Light" (as an example).


So basicly it's that... your opponent is unable to destroy that card really easy. But for instance, a Heavy Storm/Man-Eater Bug at the right time WILL destroy it. And since it cannot be special summoned, monster reborn will not work on it for instance.


I like it... but I still don't know if that card is indeed too powerfull. The fact that you need another monster to sacrifice in every switch makes the costs pretty high. However, the fact that it is a instant-win has me fooled. So far, there are as far as I know only 2 ways to get an instant win (exodia+destiny board). However that the costs are pretty much insane (1 monster + 2 cards from hand) for a switch. I count 6


* starts at Monster Zone (0 maxim)

* switches to Trap+Field (1 maxim)

* switches to Monster (1 maxim)

* switches to Trap+Field (2 maxim)

* switches to Monster (2 maxim)

* switches to Trap+Field (3 maxim)


That are 6 times in total. A 7 time when you start at the Trap+Field. Making you lose 6 monsters + 12 cards in your hand at a absolute minimum. You gotta make an entire deck focus around that single card.



Hmmm, don't mind me, I am just thinking at the time I am typing, but here I end with my number: 7/10 :D.


It's not "PERFECT" but it's not bad either (the downside is spectacular).




Edit; Decided to remove the quote... sorry, it was reading a lot easier :D.

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