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Hey guys this is my first contest.



-Create 1 EARTH Attribute monster.

-No spamming or flamming this thread.

-No swearing or insulting others.


-Follow all YCM Fourm rules.




This contest ends 31st of August 2009 at 11:59PM at UK time

+5 hours for East coast USA

+7 hours for West Coast USA


Entry Fee: 5 points




1st: +4 reps

2nd: +2 reps

3rd: nothing lol


Good luck, everyone! :mrgreen:

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[align=center]Why not? Here is my card:


[spoiler=Card Effect]When this card is Summoned, each monster on your field loses 100 ATK and 200 DEF (not including this card). Each time your opponent declares an Attack on an EARTH monster, you can place 1 Quake Counter on this card. If this card attacks while it has 3 or more Quake Counters, activate 1 of the following effects:

-This card gains an additional 300 ATK for 3 turns

-Each monster on your field cannot be destroyed during your opponent's next turn

-All monsters on your opponent's field are destroyed, and you lose Life Points equal to the number of their Level Stars x30.


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This card is also treated as a DARK Fiend-Type monster. Each time your opponent Summons a monster, place 1 Mist Counter on it (max. 5). Monsters gain 200 DEF for each Mist Counter on them. Once per turn, during your opponent's Battle Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to place 1 Mist Counter on a monster your opponent controls. If a monster attacks with 1 or more Mist Counters on it, the controller of the targeted monster can change the attack target to another monster on his/her field. The controller of the targeted monster can use this effect as many times per turn as the number of Mist Counters on the 1st attacking monster during the Battle Phase of that turn.

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I'll join. heres my card. I'll send my points in a sec.




This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be Special summoned except by removing 1 Dinosaur monster and 1 Rock type monster in your gravyard from play. This card is also treated as a Dinosaur type monster. When this monster is Special summoned sucssesfully, activate the following effect:

. All Dinosaur type monsters you control gain 500 ATK points (excluding this card) and during battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.

. All Rock type monsters you control gain 1000 DEF points (excluding this card) and can attack your opponents life points directly in deffence position. When a rock type monster attacks your opponents Life points directly while in Def position, half the the ATK of the monsters.

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Obstertrix 9 - Salvation




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned during your Main Phase 1 from your Deck when your opponent controls exactly 2 or more face-up monsters. You can remove from play this card immediately after it is Special Summoned to have any Battle Damage you take this turn reduced to 0. During your next Standby Phase, you can discard 1 card to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. As long as you control this face-up Defense Position card, your opponent must select this card as an attack target. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can return up to 2 of your removed from play monsters to your Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.

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Im in,points being delivered



This card is also treated as Fire-Type. "The Tiger Samurai" can only be special summoned by tributing 2 Beast-Type or Beast-Warrior Type monsters.If there is more than 3+ Beast-Type or Beast-Warrior Type monsters on your field,take away 500- Life Points offf this card's controller.Tribute "The Tiger Samurai" to:

-Give 2000+ life points to this card's controller

-Multiply this card's ATK or DEF by 2 (ATK or DEF x 2)

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Ill join here is my card:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card cannot be special Summoned except by offering 2 Earth Attribute monsters. Each time an Earth Attribute Monster is destoryed, place 1 Spell Counter on this Card. This Card gains 100 ATK and 200 DEF for each spell Counter on it. You can remove any numbre of Spell Counters from this Card to activate 1 of the following effects:

1-3: Increse this Card ATK by 500 For one Turn.

4-6: Increse your life points by 600.

7-9: Monsters your opponent Controls cannot declare attack for 2 of your opponent turns.

10-12: Select 1 Earth attribute Monster from your graveyard and place it on the field.



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Im in. Points sent.


[spoiler=Effect]You can Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard by tributing 1 Level 8 Machine-Type monster you control. If you control another monster, this card's original ATK becomes 0. Once per turn, you can equip this card to a Machine or Warrior-Type monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, that monster gains 2000 ATK and once per turn, you can destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap card on the field. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead).


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