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At least half the active fanfics aren't about yugioh in that section. I want that section's description reworded...


And of the half that aren't yugioh fanfics, at least 1 of them isn't even fanfiction.


Just put a PG-X warning on it, and it'll be fine.

But you wrote it with a certain meaning at hand.


The meaning I got from this is the humdrum of life' date=' how repetitive it is.



All works of art are created with a meaning behind it. That doesn't mean its the same meaning that everyone will get.

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You had a dollar,

From your dad, yes?

He said you were the best,

Of all the West.


You, out of your joy,

Went, "More, more, more!"

So you went to explore,

Dashed through the door.


Walking to the market,

You found Ben Will,

He said you want two quarters,

For dollar bill?


You thought his offer,

Made complete sense,

So you traded your bill,

For 50 cents.


Two is more than one, you said!


As you were walking,

You met Ms. Lime,

"I will take two quarters,

For three nice dimes?"


You thought her offer,

Made complete sense,

So you traded your change,

For 30 cents.


Three is more than two, you said!


Walking with great haste,

You saw Big Pickle.

He said, "30 cents please!

For 4 nickles?"


You thought his offer,

Made complete sense,

So you traded your change,

For 20 cents.


Four is better than three, you said!


You were running now,

Tripped on Renny,

He said, "20 you have?"

For 5 pennies?


You thought his offer,

Made complete sense,

So you traded your change,

For 5 cents.


Five is better than four, you said!


You now started walking,

Back to your home,

And explained to your dad,

Why you came home.


When you showed him change,

He asked, "What's this?"

You told him your journey,

With very much bliss.


Your dad took your arm,

And hugged you a lot

"And that's why your the best

Of all the West."


(Made to explain stupidity)

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"I lost myself in the shadows,

I'm lost again in the dark,

I didn't notice it at least,

I didn't avoid it at last.


I can't see between the darkness

that surround me when I walk.

I don't know if that's my face

or the one I want to display.


How many times others said me

how I must talk or must act.

So many times they said me

when to love, to laugh or to cry.


And I do not know, I'm not sure,

if that's my reflection or not.

Today my mask is so strong

that I can't remove it from me."


Poem by dark-spider of DeviantArt. I have permission to use her poem here. Credit is below.


Shadow Within

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Meh i don't like rubber duckies



The darkness surrounds me

The coldness stills my wramth

This sickness is engulfing

Crushing me in it's wake


What am I to do?

As i grow weaker from this battle

I begin to ask myself

Will I lose or Will I win?


My body is rattled

from this endless battle

I see the darkness engulfing

and i urge to flee


But i am stuck here

and i can't even shead a tear

this time is near

I must fight or face what i fear

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Excuses aren't going to get you anywhere in life. Being ill should not change the quality of your poetry.


really I'm dizzy headed, can't think, My whole body hurts... and I may be getting Swine Flu on top of it all..... =/ plus... I can't rest.....


but Here is a poem


Green of the leaves

Brushing around him

as he stalks his prey

in the hay


His tail switches slightly

As his eyes travel lightly

His senses on high

as he spies


On his little treat

Scurrying in the heat

it's tiny heartbeat

Sounding in his ear


He tenses his muscles

Ready to spring

and get his tastey meal

before it can hide.

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Memories of you' date='

That time when you got so drunk,

It was amazing. ;)




This is a WTF haiku


How did you kno i got drunk.. >.>


NO WAY. Not you. The last line is "suggestive", so NOT YOU.


I kno but to mess

With your simple minded Brain

Is very Funny




You do not screw around with people writing suggestive poems. And why are YOU calling ME simple-minded. That should be switched around.


Also, your haiku was horrible. And you have bad grammar and spelling.


Please GTFO,

You are really not wanted.

Goodbye, forever.

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