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Guess that Card! One a day, Hurry Up!


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This was NOT a thread created by me, there are 2 others. I have my own clever riddles, and you can solve thim for a potentially HUGE prize!


[spoiler=How to Play]I will give hints in the "Riddle" spoilers. Based on these hints, you will guess a card. I will say if it is Spell, Monster, or Trap. Guess correct, and you will get a great prize! Unfortunatly, I have other reasons to use reps, so I only do 1 riddle a Day. Reason Being, the MAX prize is 3 reps and 25 points! You can enter more than once. Thank You!



[spoiler=Riddle for August 18, 2009]My structure small, but my effect can be big. I am a very fluffy thing, and look somewhat like a pig. It is very common that I visit the field. But a sacrafice from me, and I'll keep you healed.


Card type: Monster



[spoiler=Riddle for August 19,2009]There's a price to pay to put me in play. I'll take control, but not for a whole, as I only work for a Turn. They can still attack, not to metion defend, but the enemy will get it back in the end.


Card type: Spell



[spoiler=Riddle for August 20, 2009]I'm not the fun guy that you think I am, but my tricks can turn you butt into a lamb. My masters the King of children's card games, There are 4 editions of me, all with same names.


Card Type: Monster


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