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Code Geass: Undo the World - Chapter 3: You Cant Win Everytime [started] [PG-13]


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well then im going for a ground unit!


Character's Name:Kurai Zarain

Character's Unit:Ground Unit

Postion(the number next to the slot you want):1

Character's Physical Discription(or pic):Animeguy24.jpg

Character's Personality:laid back, only cares about the mission and not what others say

Character's Knightmare Discription(or pic):N/A (he is a ground unit)

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Character's Name:William Garner

Character's Unit:Ground Unit

Postion(the number next to the slot you want):2

Character's Physical Discription(or pic): http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/residentevil/images/9/94/HUNK_by_Aikido456_edit.JPG

Character's Personality:silent, puts mission over everything, strict.

Character's Knightmare Discription(or pic): none.


alright, now we just need another mech then we're set.

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not accepted!!!!......naw just kidding. we can start.


((we are about to partake in a mission. if you were in the last chapter or read the opening post you would know what we are doing...if not recap. the black knights and our remaining recons need to get from point 'a' (there base) to point 'b' (the jumbotron on the enemies base) with out harm. Only the black knights know who zero is.))


Suzaku waited in his Zero costume in the launching Bay for the rest of his black knights and recons.Fugimoto stood next to him still gawking and his sketchbook. Radios clicked and beeped in pocked and from walls everywhere in the highrise base. For our enemy wasnt just a small group of gangs. It is a group of high inteligence waiting for a screw up on their enemies acount. This wouldnt happen. We were and are the black knights. Failure isnt a choice. For when falure takes place death isnt far behind.

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Kristof was grimacing even as he moved away from the fight. He entered a Knightmare hangar and jumped out of his frame. "Unfortunate..."


He looked at his locket that he wore at all times, bearing the names of his mother and father. "Fortunado and Gretchin."


Fortunado, good fortune. Yet all of Kristof's life was filled with misfortune and misery.

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