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The Weakest DBZ Character?

The Weakest? (only people who fight or did fight)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. The Weakest? (only people who fight or did fight)

    • Hercule
    • Videl
    • Chiaotzu
    • Chi Chi
    • Oolong (not really a fighter, but hey he's a pig...)
    • Yajirobe
    • Master Roshi (GT form)
    • Krillin (GT form)
    • Mercenary Toa
    • General Blue
    • ... ( I don't know, Bora)
    • Other...

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Hercule is the weakest one.



Hercule is the World Champion because he takes the credits from the Z warriors.

But thats part of the story line. Plus' date=' the people of earth are like:

"ZOMG!!11 HERCULE IZ CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!1111one"

And thus, they can rely on Hercule to give Goku more energy from the people.


Or some other person like #18 lets him win.

Thats also part of the stroy line.

Hercule's win was part of the chain of events that allowed Goku to beat Kid Buu

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If you watched the anime and saw Bulma reading Turtle's Power Level' date=' it came out as .001



At least SOMEONE here watches DBZ >____>


i have watched wacthed very dragon ball series i know that turtle power lv is .01 but still hurcule is so stupid aleast turtle does not need to make up lies for ppl to like him beside turtle is like 100 or more years old in his prime he probaly had a higher power lv then Hercule


Why is everybody saying Hercule:/ The people living on earth overate him but for a normal human he's ripped.


You' date=' Me, and Obsiain are like the only people who actually watch the show >____>

Everyone els is like: "HERCULEZ0RZ LOLOLOOOLLOLOLOLO!!!11111!111one"



Hercule is like a comic relief character turtle was a main chaacter in dragon ball


and videl got moe sence time then he did come on ppl


hercule is the funniest and weakest characters in dbz history

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But he's not weak you bigdbzn00b:/


As far as the world was concerend he was,the most awesome guy on the planet, that's why they sent him to fight Cell. Sooooo, he's not the weakest.

Then when Cell turns up they're all like "Oh ShiBOOM!!!". But then he plays it all cool like so he seems awesome again. For a human he's awesome and that's about all there is to it.


For about 7 seconds he even had Kid Buu on the ropes.


The turtle IS the weakest dbz character.

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But he's not weak you bigdbzn00b:/


i am not a dbz noob felix


As far as the world was concerend he was' date='the most awesome guy on the planet, that's why they sent him to fight Cell. Sooooo, he's not the weakest.

Then when Cell turns up they're all like "Oh ShiBOOM!!!". But then he plays it all cool like, for a human he's awesome and that's about all there is to it.


he went on his know not asked to and he did carp to cell clel just brushed him away waitong for goku and gohan who in ss2 style beat his a**


For about 7 seconds he even had Kid Buu on the ropes.


that is bull he did not he only got a little i mean very little becuase of good buu was still inside him but goku killed him with sprit bomb WTF!!!!

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Hold on, hold on, hold on; I'm not saying Hercule is powerful in comparison to any of the Z fighters, fo shoe he is a pansy in that respect. The 7 second Buu pown for example was purely coincidental and nothing to do with fighting talent. All I'm saying is he's not the weakest, it's a totaly in unarguable statement. Bulma isn't as strong as Hercule, that's one person down, then there's the other 6 billion humans/dogpeople on earth that couldn't touch the guy.


I'll find the episode where he's messing with Kid Buu tomorrow, Adobe's screwing up on me so I can't find it now.

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