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The Magican of time

Sacred Dragon

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This card is poorly written. The spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is wrong. The card does not specify what needs to be done to special summon the monster. It is a Ritual Monster, yet does not specify what ritual spell card is required to ritual summon it. It does not state what is required to get the cards from the graveyard to the deck/hand.


The Master of Magicians rates this card as not worthy of the name Magician.

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Where to begin...


1. It's "Special Summoned"

2. If that was the case, why make it a Ritual Monster

3. it's Spell Caster, not Magician. And if you meant it like "For every card with "Magician" in its name" then that'd be the correct way to write it.

4. It's not gains... it's "Increase this card's ATK and DEF by..."

5. Graveyard and Deck need to be capitalized.

6. This card... just... no...

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