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Staple Card Contest


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Well, you know your card is Overpowered when you can make the Limited List. Well, make a card that is Overpowered but not enough to make it to the Banned List. But make it more powerful that those dumb old Semi-List and Unlimited listed cards. So basically make a card that would be Limited as soon as it came out and would be a staple in every deck. So Basically......



All YCM rules apply.




1st- 6 Reps



There is only first place here people!



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It would be a nice effect, but you should edit it. Like saying what position is it summoned in? Face-up Attack? or by special summon do you mean any position Face-Up? Honestly, it is broken in my opinion. If it was 1500 or less it would be better, but that kind of effect of just summoning any card with 2000 or less attack, like Sangan or Snipe Hunter or Gemini Elf or even Gene Warped Warwolf for no drawbacks at all is broken. Please adjust it. In addition, you basically can't counter it, unless you have like Spell Canceler or some spell or monster that stops spells.


You can enter Two more cards, since I know it's hard to make a card just right.

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